Chapter 2

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Breakfast that my mom made was disgusting but I didn't say anything, I just gave the leftovers to my dog, Ralphie.

"Mmm, the food is delicious mom." I say with my mouth half full. She glares at me.

"Thank you, but Scarlett don't open your mouth when your eating." She continues to eat. Are her tastebuds off?

I sit on my bed deciding to text Devon.
'Hey, why did u leave so soon?' I send, placing my phone on my lap waiting for him to reply.
15 mins later and still no reply. I hear the door bell chime downstairs, I rush down guessing its Devon. I swing open to door to reveal someone thats not Devon.

A man with brown shoulder length wavy hair stands in the door frame. His forest green eyes eying me up and down making me shift my feet, feeling uncomfortable. He wears black skinny jeans paired with a black t-shirt and brown boots. His tanned arms scattered with tattoos, a rose standing out particularly.

"Are you Scarlett?" His deep raspy British accent speaks.

"Ya, and who are you?" I question.

"Harry." He smirks with his perfect pearly white teeth. Making me feel like a piece of dirt standing next to him. "Devon asked me to pick you up, is that ok?" I smile back.

"Ya sure, one sec." I yell to my mom that I'm leaving then walk out the door with Harry as he guides me to his car. He shoves his large hands into his tight pockets.

A black Range Rover sits in front of my house with tinted windows. I can tell he has a bit of money to drive a car like this, I think as he opens the door for me grinning as I slide in shutting the door after.

He gets in on the other side. "What music do you like?" He asks as he starts the ignition.

"I like everything besides Metal and Country." I grimace thinking of it, clearly amused Harry chuckles beside me.

"Ok then." He puts his phone on the Aux cord and a Guns and Roses song starts to play. "Is this ok?" I nod as he drives down the streets, going somewhere I don't recognize.

The whole car ride to wherever we are going is uncomfortable and awkward. I try to look out the window for most of the ride, occasionally looking to the stranger next to me. I have met a couple of Devon's friends and he's mention some but never a Harry.

"So Devon said your his girlfriend." His voice breaks through the awkward silence.

I giggle at this comment. "Uh, ya." He smiles knowing he's making it even more awkward.

"So how long have you been dating?" He asks. Wiping his tongue over his pink lips looking over to me, checking me out once again.

I cough awkwardly. "About 3 years." His eyes widen at my statement.

"And your not bored of him yet?" He laughs. "I mean your only what, 17? Don't you ever have desirable lustful feelings toward other guys?"

"Well of course, I'm a teenage girl, I have hormones. Its just hard because Devon's waiting for marriage and I have to just keep telling myself I don't need a sexual relationship, but honestly I don't believe in it." I feel embarrassed for telling a stranger about my feelings, especially about my boyfriend.

"Don't be embarrassed." He reads my mind. "Everyone has needs, nothing you can control."  He shrugs before glancing at me then licking his lips.

This conversation has me thinking of Harry in inappropriate ways. An image of him hovering over me, his hair falling in his face as he performs the continuous steady fast motions. His stamina never failing as his forest greens look into my blue ones, a string a moans fall from from his pink plump lips. I snap out of my trance feeling my cheeks heat and realizing I was lifting my hips up from the seat slightly due to my daydream.

I hope that Harry didn't notice me. All hope was lost when I look over to him seeing that he's looking right at me. A knowing smirk playing on his lips as he eyes me up and down.

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