Part Two

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After five minutes he comes out wearing super skinny jeans that hugs all the right places and a pink muscle v-neck. His shoes are high top converse and damn does he look good.

"You coming?" he asks.

"Yeah, sorry." I awkwardly get up and he starts walking and I followed.

"So how old are you?" he asks, breaking the awkward silence.

"Eighteen, you?"

"I'm nineteen."

"Cool," I simply reply.  I'm so happy that he isn't like fifteen or something.

"So what are your interests?" he continues.

"Well, I like to sketch and paint. I guess I also like to ride my motorcycle around when I can." His jaw drops when I say that I have a motorcycle. He clears his throat and points to the amphitheater.

"Anyways, this is the arena. We train and have some fights in here. Usually it's not as busy but today is a extra training day so way have to either put more effort into our practice or do an extra three hours. We have many weapons so when we pass the ares cabin I can let you pick a weapon. "


"No problem" It's funny that he said that so early along because it takes us thirty minutes to get there.

When we walk in and there is a wall of axes which immediately  I am fascinated.  One of the has a spike in the end and its blade shape is very intriguing. I dash over to it, probably looking like an idiot trying to grab it since I'm so damn short.

Thais chuckles and walks over to me.  I feel his shoulder right next to me and he effortlessly grabs it.

"Here you go" laughing as he does.

"Thanks...again."  I start laughing too as we exit. I put the axe in the sheath on my back.

We walk back to my cabin and he stops me from entering.

"I hate to leave but my cabin is probably worried,"  I say to him.

"It's fine just I need to whisper into your ear."  I furrow my eyebrows.

"Okay?"  He moves in closer to my hear but quickly turns and kisses me. I'm glad that he made the move and we stop. He walks away and I miss his touch already. I walk to my bunk and take off everything expect my bra and underwear. I climb into my bed and start to slowly fall asleep.

I wake up with the call of my name and my luck it's Thias. My boobs are put out and my ass is showing.

"Oh my gods, Thias!"  I exclaim.

"Sorry but it's time to wake up."  I groan.

"Okay."  Sighing, I get up and open my bag and find my other pair of  high heel boots and I grab my black leggings and yell at Thias to get out. He won't get off my bed so I pull him off and he is right in front of me. I feel something poking at my stomach and I look down and his boner is literally stabbing me.  Awkwardly I say,

"It's fine, just uh wait outside. I'll be outside soon."  I quickly grab my crop top and put on my boots. I see Thias biting his finger nails.

"Don't be so worried."  We start to walk and we talk a little until we get to the arena.

"Hey why don't we practice together?"

"Uh yeah, sure, that sounds fun."
He runs off and stops in the middle of the arena.

"Let's get started!"  He yells and puts his sword up. I sprint up and swing my axe at his legs. He jumps up and slices at my neck. I duck and trip him. I put my my foot on his chest and ask,

"Another round?" We both chuckle and then I realize the gash across his leg.  My eyes widen in shock.

"Oh my gods."

"It's fine" He waves his hand over the cut and it disappears. "Well, that's another way"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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