Part One

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I drive up on my motorcycle to the gate and read the ginormous sign.


I go through it and I feel a weird shiver but I just shrug and keep on riding. There are many temple-looking cabins with names on them. Then I see a huge mansion like an office so I drive up there and park. Gods am I happy that I don't have helmet hair.

Walking the stench of liquor is dreadful. A man in a purple suit asks me, "Who are you and why the hades are you in my house?" His speech is so slurred that it's almost impossible to hear what he is saying. 

"I'm Akathra Blackburn and I'm the daughter of Demeter," I say.

"Duh, I totally knew that. I'm Dionysus. Sorry I'm a little..." I cut him off immediately and say,

"Hungover?" I feel obligated to leave so I do. 

I see my mom's name on one of the cabin and walk in. I see a person in the cabin.

"Hi I'm Paul Weeder," He says.  Funny that he is the son of Demeter and I can't help but to chuckle which I immediately regret.

"Sorry I'm Akathra Blackburn" I don't want to be their so I just walk away. I see the Apollo people playing tricks on each other and the banging noise of the Hephaestus cabin.

The Zeus cabin is empty and same with the Hera. Ares cabin is a mess of swords to chariots all over. The Athena cabin has a bunch of text books and science stuff.

And then I see the Aphrodite cabin. I'm intimated but intrigued.   I see some girl with bleach blonde hair wearing at least fifty pounds of make up and eight inch high platform heels.

"Hi I'm Akathra and I'm one of demeters,"  I greet as I walk in.  She rolls her eyes.

"Should I really care?"  'Wow, okay be like that,' I think but I just walk along. I see this guy that is so perfect that his own tan skin radiants. He has these beautiful green eye like emeralds. I'm guessing that he just came out of the shower because the only thing that he is wearing is a towel. His abs glisten with the water droplets and I can barely contain myself. His jaw line is so sharp that it could probably cut me if I touched it.

I suddenly realize that I'm not alone and I'm staring at someone and say "Sorry I'm just I bit distracted by you...Erm... I mean this cabin." I tense up and he smirks.

"I can show you around camp after I get dressed if you want." I just nod and walk out of the cabin siting on the dirt. My combat boots dig into it and my distressed booty shorts have to hover because I don't want it look like I shit my self when I stand up again.

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