Early Christmas

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It was calm after Silver's foot was mended. We rested for a while, but not for long, when Collin showed up at our door, saying, "Silver wants us to finish the storage today. We're going to help out."

"First citizens, then guards, then runners, and now construction workers? Geez, survival is hard." Mike said.

"No one said surviving was easy."

"You got that right." I said.

We followed him to the storage. It was more than twice the size than when we last saw it.

"Wow. That's pretty big."

"But it needs to be bigger." Collin said. "We'll also be making the compound bigger, too, but right now, we need to store our supplies."

"Then let's get to it." I said.


It was late night when it was finally done. The whole thing fit the entire back left side of the house built onto it all the way along the wall.

"It's massive, now!" Mike exclaimed.

"Plenty of storage space." Brice said.

"If we can get the storage done that fast, imagine how fast we can make the walls. We could double the size of the compound, maybe triple the size in a week!" Collin exclaimed.

The runners moaned.

"Oh, not you guys." Collin said. "We still have to get the rest of the supplies first, then we can build."

"What else do we need?" Jeremy asked. "We have an insane supply of food, we have generators and tools, and even fresh water. What'll we do after that?"

"We find people who have survived the Infection. We could still go out on runs and stuff, but we'll have to extend our radius of gathering. We'll clean out the town, then move on to another one."

"Like what?"

"How about... Mobile, Alabama?"

"Mobile?" I asked.

"It's a major city off the edge of Alabama. It's literally across from Lucedale." James said. "It's a really big town, even bigger than ours. There are so many stores and hunting shops and... so much!"

"Now you see why our job isn't over yet." Collin said.

"Hey, guys?" Cindy walked up.

"What's up, Cindy?"

"Could you help me move Silver into our house?"

"No problem."

We moved him into the bed. He seemed to be doing fine, now.

"Thanks, guys." He said. "Get some rest. You don't have to get up early tomorrow. Just get the rest of the supplies and bring it back here, and take a few days off."

With smiles on our faces, we cleaned ourselves up and went to bed.


We got up close to lunchtime, missing breakfast. We ate lunch(some fresh vegetable soup) and went to get the rest of the supplies. There wasn't actually that much to pick up; it was only two trips.

"That seems to be the last of them." Brice said, coming back out the door.

"Well, what do we do now?" Tank asked.

"How about some entertainment?" Mike said.

"Entertainment? What sort of 'entertainment'?" Collin asked.

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