Chapter One

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Always Ariel

Chapter One

August 1898


Wanted: a woman From 18 to 24 to share in matrimony to a gentleman of 25 years old mustn't be afraid of hard work, and living away from the city. Must be god fearing.

Apply at once

N. Adams

Ariel Wade sighed as she read the simple Advertisement that her cousin Lindy had given her before her twin sister's wedding. She wanted to be married, but she didn't know how her parents would feel about this. She pulled out a piece of parchment from her small desk in the corner of her room. She dipped her pen in the well of ink.

Dear Mr. Adams,

She took her time writing his name and then sighed taking a moment to look out of her window. She could see her little sister playing in their front yard. She smiled as she watched her youngest sister Daisy play on the swing that had been repaired many times. She remembered playing on that very swing with her twin sister Abbie. They had always been closer than close, as identical twins no one could tell them apart especially since they were never apart. She turned her attention back to the letter.

I am writing in reply to your advertisement. I believe I would make you a wonderful wife. I am eighteen years old. And I was raised in a God-Fearing home in a town called Silver Creek; I am very used to hard work and living away from the city. I look forward to your reply.


Ariel Wade

She smiled feeling that it was short and to the point, she didn't want to waste the man's time as he probably got many replies to his Ad. She didn't even know if he would pick her as his mail-order bride.

All she knew is she wanted out of Colorado.

Abbie had gotten married only a week ago, and Ariel still hadn't heard from her. Abbie and her husband Michael Montgomery had been courting for two years, they married the day after Abbie and Ariel's eighteenth birthday. Leaving Ariel alone in the bedroom she and Abbie had shared since they were five Years old.

She had never been without her twin sister, and now that she was she felt completely alone. Getting up from her desk, she walked across the room to lie on the bed that belonged to her sister.

She let the tears fall silently, in a house where six of her eight siblings still lived at home; she hadn't really gotten time alone since the wedding.

She sighed loudly as she heard a knock at her door "Ariel?" Her older brother Gideon asked as he opened the door slowly "May I come in? I've brought you a cup of Arbuckle's."

"Yes." She said wiping her eyes quickly as she sat up.

"Are you alright?" he asked as sat on the bed next to her, handing her a china cup full with coffee with cream and sugar.

"I don't know... Abbie has completely forgotten about me... I mean we've barely gotten along since we were sixteen but she was also been my best friend."

"Abbie hasn't forgotten you and you're her best friend too. Once she's been married for a while she'll go back to herself and she'll have time for us again."

"Giddy, I know it probably sounds incredibly childish, but I feel left out. I mean I liked Michael first! And this is the first time we aren't doing the same thing as each other."

"I know- but trust me remember when Laura got married? It took her awhile to settle in but now she's here nearly everyday"

"I suppose so..." Ariel said sadly before taking a sip from her cup.

Always Ariel (Letters Of Change Series Book 4)(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now