Chapter Six

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Chapter Six
Roxanne's POV
I woke up after a day of sleeping and I feel much better but I am angry because the guy I love is the guy I despise with all my heart, I'm going to sort this out I need to know if it's a joke because he would do this to me, he always does things it's his thing to piss me off and annoy me. I'm walking through the cafeteria and I spot Jai I walk up and slam my hands on the table scaring him and his friends his looked at me

"Was it just a joke?" I asked he looked confused

"What are you on about?" He asked I rolled my eyes

"The texting" I said he still looked confused I got my phone out and pulled up our conversation passing it to him he looked it over

"Your her" he said I nodded

"And your him" I said he looked up at me passing my phone back

"Wow I never expected it to be you" he said I looked away

"I need to know was it a joke" I said upset and standing up he stood up to

"I n-" he started to say

"Because if it was that is really cruel getting someone to fall for you" I said upset and letting a tear fall, his face softened

"No I didn't know it was you" he said, he was saying the truth I could tell

"If you had known it was me would you have still texted me" I said looking up at him, he didn't answer my question, I let more tears fall

"Wow you really must hate me" I said crying I felt stupid, I knew It would end bad, I knew it would have been the bad idea to talk to the random guy through text

"Rox I'm sorry okay but we have not gotten along so obviously I would say I wouldn't text you but it doesn't mean It changes the way I feel about you through those messages" he said looking upset

"You know what I knew this was a bad idea carrying on talking to you, you got me to fall for you... You stupid jerk" I said upset and crying I went to walk away but he grabbed my arm

"Rox I love you I really do" he said

"Yeah and I love you too but maybe it isn't enough for us because we live in different worlds we are so opposite" I said he turned angry

"Am I not good enough for you or something it is because you think your better than me just because your some rich girl and I don't have a mansion for a house doesn't make me different from you" he said angrily that's what flipped my moods over

"You asshole I don't care if your rich if you live in a big house that's why we can't be together because you think that's all I care about well it's not I wish I had your life family who love you and are always around a cozy little home and not being alone every single day actually have a parent who's  proud of me I'm an Outsider in my family so don't you dare say I care about having a guy who's rich I want the complete opposite I want a guy who actually cares about me wants me and love's me!" I screamed everyone stopped what they were doing, to listen more even though they were all ready listening Luke was shocked with it he looked like he wanted to say something

"All I am to you is some rich girl that's how you see me but you want to know how I see you.... You maybe a jerk sometimes but I see that your a really kind nice guy I wouldn't have cared if you lived on the street and had no money at all I would have loved you for you not your possessions or things" I said he let a few tears fall I turned and walked away I heard him calling me but a ran and went in the bathroom stall and locked myself in there I sat on the toilet seat and cried in my hands I heard the bathroom door go

"Roxanne" I heard Perrie's voice she was knocking on the stall

"We're all here me Spencer and Nina" Perrie continued i sniffled a few times

"Why" I cried

"I don't know he's a jerk for think of you like that" Nina said

"Come out please" Spencer pleaded I stood up and opened the door

"I love him" I said the girls looked at me with sympathy they gave me a group hug.

Jai's POV
I watched her walk out crying the girl I love was crying and I made her cry I tried to call for her to stop but she started to run her, friends got up and shook there heads glaring at me and went off to find her, everyone in the cafeteria was quiet and whispering about me and her and me also steering at me

"What you looking at fuck off back to you own lives!" I screamed at them and walked out the boys chased after me, I saw Roxanne walking ahead with her friends, I ran up and walked in front of her walking backwards

"Roxanne" I asked she looked up at me with puffy eyes

"Please talk to me I didn't mean it" I said pleading for her to talk to

"Go away and leave her alone" Spencer said Nina agreed with her and they pulled her away down the hall Perrie looked at me with sympathy, the boys caught up

"It'll be okay Jai just give her a couple days without you and then try again" she said rubbing my arm

"But" I said

"No buts leave her be for a bit let her sort her head out I know her she will need a couple days" she said I nodded understanding, she walked over to James and gave him a peck on the lips and walked off, James blushed and looked at us

"Um oh yeah she's my girlfriend" he said we all gave him a man hug

"Sorry dude your all freaking over this" James started to say

"No it's fine seriously ill take Perrie's advice and plus she's actually really great" I said I patted his shoulder and walked off saying a quick goodbye I needed a walk so I'm just gunna walk home and let the guys drive.

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