Chapter three

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“Cat, wake up, you done slept 2 and half hours, we only have half an hour before we land” Corey tells me, I wave my hand at him and turn my face away from him.

“Don’t make me do it, you know I will, Cat” Ugh him and his fucking glasses of water, too bad he knows I am wearing new clothes.

“Alright Cat, you asked for it”

“Mhmm…sure I do”

I just fall back asleep when I feel something cold all over me suddenly “Ahhh…what the fuck Corey, I am going to kill you as soon as I change”

“Sure you are, you know I am way stronger than you” he tells me as he pulls out his “guns” and starts kissing them.

“Ewh Corey, stop, that is nasty.”

“You know you love my one straight thing.”

“If you say so” I yell as I walk into my small room with its own bathroom. Yea my private jet has its own room and like 3 bathrooms.

I walk over to my walk-in closet. I see my favorite black long sleeve lacy sundress by Chanel, no wonder why I couldn’t find it; I left it on the plane. I quickly take off my shoes and clothes and put them on a hanger so the flight person could get it when we land and put my dress on. I look on the rack of shoes and see my pink sparkly heels with black studs on them. Now I need to change my make-up so I go to the bathroom and I take-off all my make-up off. I now need a smoky pink look for my make-up so I get to work on my foundation and eye make-up. I then do my blush and lipstick. Hmm...if I do say so myself I did good considering we are about to land in ten. I open the bathroom door and go to the middle of the plane. Where I see Corey on the phone and I hear his boyfriend on the line and them saying “no, you hang up first” that crap is so stupid like come on you both have hang up already before. Hmm I am going to get him back for his little stunt I deicide as I really quietly walk over to where he is. I see a glass of water so I grab it and continue over there. When I get over there I quickly grab his phone and pour the water on him.

“Hey, he is going to have to call you back later” I then hang-up and start busting out laughing you should see his face it is priceless I decide so I take out my phone and take a picture.

“Hey, what are you doing with that?”

“Well it is going on instagram, twitter and Facebook. Where else would I put it?” I say as I post them on to the websites

“No give it to me” he shouts as he grabs my phone but I have done posted them and locked my phone.

“I am so going to hurt you for this”

“Oh well, it was worth it”

“Anyway we need to bu” I start to say as the pilot comes on.

“Hey Miss Castaway, will you and your friend please down so I can land?” Chris our pilot yelled from the front of the plane.

“Took the words right out of my mouth, Chris.” I yelled to him.

We both rushed to our seats and buckled while Corey was still fuming.

“You’re lucky I didn’t let you die, I could have wet your phone”

“Yea, thanks for hanging up on my boyfriend for me.” He mutters sarcastically I just laugh it off.

I feel us start to decline. About another five minutes later I feel us hit the ground.

“You’ll may grab you’ll bags or whatever you need to do now”

“Alright thank you Chris, I will see you in the limo.”

“Ha you know you want your baby back”

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2013 ⏰

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