He Saves You

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Louis: From depression. Well, he tries at least. Your life had been quite sad since... as long as you could remember. And when he came along, he saw something in your eyes, something like a plea for happiness, begging someone to make you smile and feel joy even if only for a little while. And that's what he did. He'd pull you out of your bedroom, away from the sad music and junk food, even when you fought to stay there. He made it his number one priority to make sure you laughed, cried tears of joy. But, he also wanted you to know that if there ever was a time sadness did try to invade your healing heart, that you could come to him. If you did need to let out a well needed cry, he'd hold you for as long as possible. But, he wouldn't allow the tears to last for long, he wouldn't have that beautiful smile that lights up his world turn into a frown. He never would give up, though sometimes you wished he would, you were thankful that he didn't, like everyone else had.

Niall: From self-harm. You hid it really well, for a while. But you couldn't fool him, he's observant, especially of you. I mean, even if he wasn't, he would've suspected something when you wore a long sleeve sweatshirt in 87 degree weather. It was a loose sweater, so you continuously pulled the sleeves to the middle of your palm and held on, in fear of the left sleeve slipping down and revealing your secrets. You forgot about it though, when you were in the kitchen preparing a bowl of cereal. Opening the cabinet above you, your sleeve slid down, passed your wrist, and then he spotted it. Grabbing your arm asking what on earth happened, you were caught and could do nothing but spill out repeated apologizes and cry. He hugged you, so tight you almost had to gasp for air, but he was trying understand, wrap his mind around the fact that such a beautiful girl, his beautiful girl, could do this. Was it him? Did he do something wrong? Was he not doing enough? Whatever the case may be, please believe you're hardly left alone ever again. Every smile is speculated, and dissected to make sure it's genuine. Never again will he allow you to be so sad, so lost, so hurt that you harm the beautiful body that he loves, and would even put himself on the line for. And while you say you're fine, and you'll stop and that he can go out tonight, he'll see when lips are trying not quiver and your eyes are holding back tears, and how could think he doesn't know you well enough by now? There is no way in the world, he'd ever leave his pretty girl alone to hurt like that again, not on his watch.

Harry: From your boyfriend. Well, now your ex boyfriend. When you and Harry met, it was a life changer, honestly it was. He didn't look at your body not once, not obviously at least. He looked into your eyes, and actually spoke to you. He realized you had a brain, unlike him... your then boyfriend. After you and Harry became close, and got to the stage you told each other everything, you decided it was a better time than ever to let someone know how unhappy you were. How, if there was ever a presented opportunity to leave him, you would. Harry never forgot that conversation, or the others after that. So, that one time you visited him at the studio, and you stretched out on their leather sofa, allowing your shirt to slightly rise up and showing a new bruise on your stomach, thats when everything around him stopped. He of course questioned it, and when you wouldn't reply after the third time, he knew how it got there. Hoping that was the only one, you turned around, allowing him raise your shirt just a little, showing that you had enough for a collection of marks, if thats possible. There is no way, no way in the world, you're going back there. No, you're going straight to his house, and you'll both go to pick your things up in the morning while that... that dick, is at work, you have no choice, no say so, this is how it was going to go. And it was when you got home, slid into one of his T-shirts that swallowed your body almost completely, falling asleep in his bed, hair feathering the pillow, lips slightly parted, and slowed breathing, it was then he realized he couldn't let you leave this bed. He couldn't pass up going to sleep to or waking up to such a beautiful face every night, and every morning. After he saves you from the horrible place you're in, he knows you'll want to wait until you think about falling for someone else but it's alright because he'll wait as long as possible, as long as he gets to protect your heart, and love you.

Zayn: From your home. It was honestly horrible. Parents bickering every night, being awaken by police sirens in the middle of the night, having to protect your younger siblings, and tell them everything will be alright, mommy's going to come out of the hospital and be just fine. You were tired of it, all of it. You couldn't deal living in this place, the headaches, living in fear, you hated it. And Zayn would do everything in his power to save you from it. Make you forget everything, all the horrible sights you had to face, he'd hold you when you've awaken in the middle of the night with beads of sweat on your forehead, crying for parents to stop. He'd shush you back to sleep, telling you not to worry, no ones hurt, you're fine. He'll keep you safe, no matter what. If that means extra security, if that means having to stay in even if he wants to go to a party, if that means having to stay up in the middle of the night holding you while tears are to impatient, then he'll do it. He likes being the dominate one anyway, having someone to care for and protect, he feels more empowered, a little more important. So, even if it takes what seems like forever to get you to understand your safe, then it'll just take that long. Because, he won't give up, he refuses to do such, your eyes won't let him. Even if he has to let your little sister and brother spend the night from time to time, he will. Whatever makes you happy, because that's all he wants, for you to be happy.

Liam: From yourself. You're not the most confident person in the world, in your opinion, you aren't the smartest, you have no talent, you aren't attractive, it wouldn't hurt you to spend a few months in the gym, you don't understand why Liam even took a second look at you in the first place. But he begs to differ, he doesn't understand why you don't see the obvious. Why you don't see the beauty, the intelligence, hear that beautiful singing voice when you belt out the lyrics to your favorite song, and your figure, my goodness that figure, he hadn't seen anything like it. He never understood why you were so hard on yourself, he couldn't find one flaw in you, you're everything he could ever imagine. Breathtaking, so supportive, so gorgeous. It just hurts him to see you pick yourself apart in the mirror, or apply making saying you look like a troll without it, he just... who wouldn't want you? He's had to stop so many guys from approaching you, sometimes staring a little bit to hard for his liking, but he can't blame them, what he didn't understand was why you weren't already picking a guy out from the line that wanted you when he came along, though he was thankful you weren't. He was lucky enough to be given the honor of guarding your heart, making you smile, spoiling you, even when you told him not to buy you anything because you're thankful for him, he couldn't help but to do it anyway just to see your face light up. Saving you from yourself was by far the hardest thing he's had to do, but it was worth it. And, until you learn to fully love yourself, he has no problem with loving you enough for the both of you.

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