chloe's explanation

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The way she grabbed me and hugged me felt like my life wasn't so pointless. She made us sit on her soft warm bed, she demanded an explanation for my black eye yet it sounded so caring and comforting. I stuttered to get my words out and I just started to burst crying. It felt uncontrollable.
I had my hand clutched around her arms, and she had her arms around mine. "Max... listen... I just, David did it David gave me this blackeye!" Her voice excelled as she said as she repeated my words that David gave me this blackeye. She held me tight, she put my head against her chest. It feel hella great that I almost forgot why I had tears flowing down my cheeks. She asked me what would make him this far out on me. I explained it's was the 5th time just this week he's caught me smoking a blunt. He told me he didn't mean to go that far, after all I didn't think he would that far and neither did he.
Max stared at me like hard and was like warning me about what we should do if this happens again. I already knew but felt hella great to be guided by the goddess I know called Max. I reached to hug really tightly, and with my head on her shoulder I don't know what happened but I fell on top of her while we were on her bed. I took me less than 10 seconds for me to say "I love you, Max." and I meant it more than she could probably imagine.

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