Kidnapped in Spain by a Handsome Danger

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Hey everyone! I actually am writing this while on my trip to Spain and Morocco! I am in Granada right now, in a room that we used for our classroom as a study abroad trip. This story is about a spunky, sarcastic girl who I find kind of funny, lol. Enjoy!

Chapter 1:

I was in the bored in the coach bus, waiting for everyone to come back from the pit stop. I looked around and saw that there were only three people on there, while most of the people from my class were using the restroom or waiting outside, smoking a cigarette. Eww, I hated cigarettes. I hated smoking in general, even hookah, which a lot of people did during our free time. I was studying abroad in Spain, Granada to be exact, where there was so much beauty and history to be seen. Yet of course, there were always people who found it amusing to drink themselves drunk and act like fools… But that’s not what this story is about.... Only I would begin to rant when danger was close…..

The driver was waiting outside with the keys in the ignition. Who does that? He was on his twenty-minute ‘siesta’ break, or so he called it. I call it his break to flirt with girls who wore clothes that showed a little too much cleavage for my liking. I don’t know, maybe I’m just the kind of girl who likes to keep things a little modest. I go to one of the best schools in the world, ULA, yet half the girls on campus wore slutty outfits consisting of high heels and tank tops that were cut up to resemble bras. I saw the driver and two girls laughing at some joke he made. Annoyed, I looked around to see who left on the bus. I saw that there one guy on, Daniel, who was tall, with light brown hair and brown eyes.  He was somewhat of a ladies man, as he was rich and was known for taking out girls to the most romantic places ever. For his three-week anniversary, he took his girlfriend to Switzerland. Switzerland! His mouth was wide open, and it looked as his if was in the middle of snoring and drooling, if that’s even possible. I had to fight the urge not to take a picture of it and make fun of him later for it. I was too nice for that.

Two other girls were there, sitting next to each other with the heads touching. One of the girls was Tina, a really nice girl who was Mexican and Irish-American with black girl hair, tanned skin, and blue eyes. Gosh I love people who are mixed race. Her friend, Lisa was next to her, with long, straight red hair and green eyes. They too were snoring softly.

Suddenly, I heard someone running up the stairs of the bus. He yelled to the driver, “Don’t come, I have a gun”. Gun? What gun? I whipped by head around, scared, and saw that we had begun driving, very fast. I didn’t see his face, but could see that he had black hair and….wait, is that a wig? He began taking off his disguise, taking off layers of coats and jacket, and I could see that he had blond hair. I moved to the other side of the bus trying to get a glimpse of him so I could call the cops. Shoot, I forgot that I didn’t pick up my international sim card. Dang it! I wanted to wake up the others but I knew that we could get hurt if we made any sudden movements.

After 30 minutes of driving, we stopped somewhere in the desert. The new driver got off his seat and began loading his gun. Oh my God, don’t hurt me! I started thinking of my mom and dad, and began hyperventilating. I didn’t realized until a few seconds later that he was standing right in front of me, while I was against the window, breathing loudly. I looked up and saw the most gorgeous person that I had ever seen. I had literally lost my breath right then and there. His blond hair was swept over to the head, like bangs, revealing his beautiful turquoise eyes. Now I know blue eyes are beautiful, but this color was so soft, so gentle that I felt like I was about to melt. I was mesmerized, which wasn’t a good thing, I realized later. He look straight into my eyes and grabbed my arm, roughly at first, and then gently, leading me out of the bus. Now you think that I would have screamed, knowing that there were three other people on the bus. But I just couldn’t. Dang this is bad. Man up, Delilah. Or woman up, if that made any sense. What was he going to do? 

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