The FanBoy's Story

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Sungmin folded the paper and made it into a plane. He was currently on his school's rooftop. He threw the plane and watched it fly away with the wind.

"It's not like my paper plane is going to reach in China." But paper plane actually few a bit far and landed somewhere on the school's parking lot.

Sungmin cursed the wind for not making the paper plane fly outside school. He had to get the letter back because if somebody else gets to read it, that would be embarrassing. Also, he was thankful that he isn't the only Lee Sungmin existing in this school.

When Sungmin arrived in the school's parking lot, he no longer saw the letter. He tried to find it but he figured the wind must have carried it somewhere again. Oh well, it's gone. Nothing he could do about it anymore.


A year later passed by. Sungmin was called to the principal's office. He wondered what it was all about. When he arrived in the office, he found out that there were 5 other people named Lee Sungmin in the office. Two were girls and they were instantly dismissed. The two girls were confused but were happy to leave the principal's office.

"Okay, boys. I have a question. Do you know any Chinese idol?"

One boy said that he was too busy with his studies. He doesn't have time for such things. He doesn't even know some popular Korean idols. He was dismissed from the office. Only two boys named Lee Sungmin were left.

"What do you think about the Chinese Superstar Hangeng?" The principal asked.

"Not too much of a fan but he's cool. My girlfriend likes him." The other Lee Sungmin said. After he answered, he was instantly dismissed from the principal's office.

"What about you? The last Lee Sungmin. Are you his fan?" The principal asked.

"Um... yeah. If you don't mind me asking, what is this about?" Sungmin asked. He was really confused on why all Lee Sungmin were called to the office and was dismissed one by one. He wondered if he was going to be dismissed.

"Lee Sungmin, I have an important guest that would like to meet you." The door of the principal's office opened and revealed the Chinese Superstar Hangeng. Sungmin's jaw dropped as he saw his favorite Chinese idol. He wasn't dreaming,was he? "Well, I shall leave you both to get to know each other. I'll have some other business to attend to." The principal said before leaving his office.

"The principal of this school is my father's bestfriend so I visit here secretly whenever I come to Korea." Hangeng explained.

"You can speak Korean fluently?" Sungmin asked. He was a fanboy. He was suppose to know every detail about Hangeng except for the last year because he decided not to be too focused on Hangeng and tried to look for a boyfriend.

"I always knew a bit of Korean but I only became fluent at it recently." Hangeng took out something from his pocket. It was a piece of paper. Wait, it looked like a letter. "I couldn't read in Korean though but I got your letter. I could only read my own name in the letter. After that, I decided to take up Korean lessons so I can read your letter and be able to communicate with you when we get to meet with each other."

"Wow! You bothered to take Korean lessons just because you were curious what the letter was all about and wanted to be able to talk to me? Aren't you going too far for a fanboy like me?" Sungmin asked. He was simply amazed and after all that Hangeng did, how can he not fall in love with the Chinese Superstar?

"Now that we've met, I don't want an idol-fan relationship between us."

"Then what do you want?"

"Friends?" Hangeng stretched out a hand.

Hangeng asking for them to be friends sounded way better to Sungmin's ears than asking for a date. "Friends." Sungmin accepted Hangeng's handshake.


It's ironic because when they actually became close friends and spent a lot of time together (which was something always dreamed of but thought it wouldn't happen in reality), Sungmin's obsession of Hangeng faded away because Hangeng was someone who he could reach now. Sungmin started having other favorite artists which made Hangeng pout and complain about how he is not Sungmin's favorite anymore.

"Sorry but since we became friends, I can't think of you as a superstar anymore." Sungmin said as he laughed at Hangeng's jealousy. "Hey, will you get me an autograph from Zhoumi?"

"No." Hangeng was never the one to hide his jealousy. His jealous act would always come out cute as he would whine, pout and stutter his Korean as if he isn't fluent with the language. "I can't believe I lost a fan, who I am supposedly friends with!!!"

"Maybe you shouldn't have made friends with me." Sungmin replied jokingly.

"That's something I won't ever regret. I like being friends with you." Hangeng said sincerely.

Those words just made Sungmin's heart flutter. This time he is falling for Hangeng, who he became close friends with and not as a Chinese Superstar.

"Sungmin, just know that you're not just a fanboy. We're friends now and maybe someday..."

"Someday? What will happen to us someday?"

"You'll know someday." Hangeng replied teasingly.

Sungmin pouted but he decided to wait for someday because for now, he was really happy being in love with Hangeng, being friends with him and not being just a fanboy.


When Hangeng's new song was released, Sungmin decided to look for a Korean translation of the song. There was a part of the lyrics that took Sungmin's breath away and made his heart beat just a bit louder and faster than usual.

We're friends now and maybe someday we'll be more than that.


A/N: Comments please? ^^ I would really like to know your thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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