Lou and Ray??

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Ray Marvels stared in shocked silence as his screen went blank.

“No,” he whispered, jiggling the mouse and praying that it brought back his stuff. Nothing.

He reached for the phone and pushed the button for the IT department.

“IT,” a male voice answered.

“Hi, this is Ray from graphic design, fourth floor. I need someone to come take a look at my computer.”

 He hit the speaker button and dropped down under his desk, searching for the power cord. It was at that moment he realized his computer wasn’t running either.

“Well, Ray from graphics designs, what seems to be the problem?”

 “My monitor went blank and my actual computer isn’t running anymore.”

He checked all the cables connecting then monitor to the tower to the surge protector. Everything was where it should be and the surge bar was plugged into the wall.

 “You didn’t unplug anything, did you?”

The tech guy’s tone told Rau that was obviously what the problem must be. The man must have thought Ray was too stupid to figure it out. He crawled out from under the desk and glared at the phone. “I’m not stupid. I wouldn’t have called you if that were the case. I checked everything. It’s all where it should be and it’s all working.” He shoved his hand through his hair.

As frustrating as his computer being on the fritz was, he could finish the project at home.

“All right. Is it important to get it fixed today?” The man sounded annoyed.


 It wasn’t, but Ray knew if he told the guy that, no one would be around to look for a day or two, and there were things he needed to do on his work computer.

 The person on the phone sighed. “There’s an IT guy on the fourth floor right now. I’ll buzz him and let him know to stop by your office.”

“Thank you,” Ray said to the dull tone.

 He rested his forehead on his desk for a second. He’d been a page or two away from finishing the layout of the new site, and it needed to be done by the next day. Pulling out requisite work request forms, he started filling them out.

An hour later, Ray was sketching some ideas for a new client when he sneezed. After sneezing a second time, he frowned.

 “Bless you.”

A deep voice spoke from behind him. He spun around to see a man leaning against the entrance to his office. The man stood about five inches taller than Ray’s own six feet. Instead of the standard tech uniform of black pants and white shirt with a skinny tie, the stranger wore khaki cargo pants, a green T-shirt and black hooded sweatshirt with the sleeves shoved up to the elbows. Ray’s gaze focused o the tattoos gracing the man’s forearms.  Light hazel eyes studied him just as intently. The ma’s hair was hidden by the baseball cap he wore. Ray met the stranger’s gaze and was mildly surprise when the man winked. His cock twitched at the flirtatious smile he was given.

 “Ummm…are you the IT guy?”


The man strolled into Ray’s office, invading the space with heat and an odd musky scent. Ray sneezed again.

 “Excuse me, must be some dust in the air.”

 “I’m Lou Canis.” Lou held out a large hand to Ray. Ray shook hands, trying to ignore the rough palm rubbing against his.

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