That Strange Dream

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That Strange Dream

Just to make sure that everyone understands what this little book is about. It is to do with a dream I had on a night over my friends, Apparently I kept on waking him up with calling out names, I do not have any memory of saying any ones name in my sleep so I found out by my friend Dean who told me I was calling out Random names and I kept on talking in my sleep. I must have woken him up at least 4 times in the night until at the beginning of the morning around about 8.30AM where he decided enough was enough and kicked me to wake me. Below I will write everything I remember from this dream I had over his. I knew I talked in my sleep but I didn't know I did it this badly!

Anyway I don't want to ruin the fun for you lot before it has even had a chance to start so I will write the names that I said in my sleep under this comment.

Kaidron, Drayke, Mylo, Foxy Paws, Raya, Runnik, AL Darkwolf and Tod

This is the list of names that I called out while I was sleeping, all different times, some of them I said normally, some I said in anger apparently. My friend dean told me that the one that sounded the worse was the name Drayke where my friend told me that I repeated the name Drayke 5 times while saying no a few times in front of every time so it went like "No Drayke no no Drayke no no no.........." I will explain why I said this as I might have no Knowledge of saying these names but I remember the Dream in full! So while I remember the dream it ties in what happened in the dream while I was saying this in my sleep.

Now I will start the book now just note that I will quickly tell you what I did that day before I went to sleep so you will know nearly everything I did that day..................................Enjoy.

5th May 2013

Location: Denston

Time: 8PM To 11.30PM

The day arrived as I planned; I had all my stuff ready to go over my friends. I had arranged to see my Good friend Dean and stay over his for the night as the next day is an bank holiday and this meant I could have a drink as I never get the chance to drink alcohol as I am always on the go in my car or I am going out the next morning to college but not this time. As I grabbed my stuff including the bottles of Old Speckled Hen and some other drinks I put them in my car boot and got into my car and drove the 5 miles to Dean's house, As I pulled the car up I grabbed my Laptop, Drinks and my tail and proceeded to walk to his door where I was greeted by his Jack Russell Peggles, I gave her a pat and a hug and then let myself in the house.

I got all my stuff in the house and put my car keys down on the table where I will not have to touch them again, I am getting a break from driving. I spent some time talking to my friend Dean and then we went outside with Air rifles to shoot some cans as we do, after spending a few hours outside doing that we decided that we were going to have a bonfire, so we got old bit and pieces from his garden and started a small fire, where we both decided that it was too small fire, so we chucked petrol over the fire to get things spiced up. WOOSH the flames went as we sat down with a beer in our hands and had a nice talk with each other while the fire slowly calmed down into a stable yet beautiful fire. After a while it started to get dark so we went in to grab his dog Peggles lead to take her on a walk, we took her on a walk in the dark and as Dean was holding her leash I noticed that Dean was slightly nervous, I know Dean does not feel safe in the dark as you cannot see what is around you, Luckily for me I seem to have great nightvison when it comes to dark places so I could see fine while Dean struggled.

After about an Hour it must of been about 10.45PM when we got back, we took Peggles lead off and put her in the house while we got ready to call it a night, We played with Peggles to keep her happy and then about 11.15PM we said night to Peggles and went upstairs where we did a bit more drinking and then we went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2013 ⏰

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