Chapter 2

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In school, the first day is always the easiest. All you do is go over class rules and get papers to sign and that type of stuff. You escape with no homework, except the English teachers ''release your inner mind and soul' lecture, that no one, and I mean no one will do. Its the day when you think ''this might finally be my year". Then the second day arrives.

As soon as I walked in the doors, I could feel the depressing atmosphere. Everyone was finally realizing that summer was over, and now the pain and misery of high school was about to start all over again.

"LEXIE!!" I hear someone shout right before I get tackled by my friend bryn. I turn around to see the rest of my friends/band mates all trying to talk at the same time. You see back in seventh grade, my friends Bryn, Ann, Jenny, and I formed a band called No Content. We stuck with it and we still practice three times a week.

"Lexie who's house is band practice at tonight?" Ann asks me. "Mine," I respond. I'm sure my parents won't mind, they're never home anyway. Right when Ellie is about to start talking, he warning bell goes off.

"Bye guys," I say as I walk away. Most of my friends were in my classes with me but my first hour, Algebra 1, I had alone.

I walk into my classroom abound see the jocks talking to the preps about the homecoming float. Every year my school has a parade before the homecoming game and we have the week leading up to it to build a float. Most grades were super into it in sixth grade, but to by the time they were freshman just sat on their trailer or hit a pinata on the back of a pickup truck. That stood for every class except mine. Every year since sixth grade the preps go all out and create some kind of full out landscape, with costumes and candy. We've won first prize in the parade every year.great system only the preps never let anyone else work on the floats, which left me and my friends to sit around all week (which may not be that bad).

"I heard that Dylan Wilder came to your house yesterday," April said with a smirk. That girl has a dirty mind, I think. April Hill is the head of the preps, she's the teacher's pet and everyone seems to think she's perfect, but of course she's not. She's evil. She is a stuck up snot who thinks she's better than everyone else because she's the principal's daughter, she even bosses the teachers around! Her friends even hate her, they're only friends with her because she knows too much. Most of my friends hate her, along with me, of course.

I mean, once Jenny ,Bryn and I found a rock that had the word 'PUNK' written on it. We thought it was cool because, ya know, punk rock . But we didn't know what to do with it, so we gave it to April to see if she would get it. She fell off the trailer she was standing on and then threw the rock at us! Our history teacher was looking straight at us but never said anything!

"No of your business," I tell April and continue to my seat. I put my earbuds in and start blasting Simple Plan in my ears. I watch the teacher come in and start one of his boring lectures.

After I get through about ten songs on my playlist, I see people start to file out of the classroom. Finally he bell. I take my things and turn my music off.

As I'm walking to my next class I see Jenny and Bryn walk up to me. Of course, those two never leave each others side they are practically sisters I'm not kidding.

"Hey Lex, so you know we just saw audition sheets for the fall talent show and we sorta signed up to play No Content! hope you're cool with that," Jenny says. WHAT! we've been in this band for 5 years but we've never done the fall talent show for our school since Bryn liked singing solo for it. I mean we've played for people before and we are pretty good, but the entire school!?

My jaw hangs open. "Great!" Bryn says. " you're okay with it, see you later." And before I could tell them what I really thought, they ran in the opposite direction.

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