Mysteries Explained

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The more I thought the more things started to bother me. I was with Niall most of the night we were at the bar, maybe he will remember something.

Oh crap... What if Niall is the dad?

I walked towards the door so I could go talk to him and see what he remembers.

"Where are you going?" Michael asked me.

"To go talk to Niall. Don't tell anybody but I think something might have happened that night we all went out." I said with a sigh and Michael chuckled a little.

"Don't worry Ashley, nothing happened. When we were at the bar some guy tried to take advantage of you but I saw and I beat the crap out of him. After that I gathered everyone up and we left. When we got back here you were really drunk so I went to the bus and came back with Ashton and we carried you inside and got you to bed." Michael explained.

I hugged him. "Thanks so much Mikey! I was worried I did something stupid."

Michael chuckled again. "Trust me, you didn't. Ashton tried to get you changed into pajamas and you slapped him and yelled 'No don't touch me! I have a boyfriend! Leave me alone!' It was pretty funny."

"Poor Ashton."

"Yeah. You kicked him in the balls too!" Michael said with a laugh. "But I have never seen him happier than he was then. He was in pain, but he was happy."

"Ashley come here!" Ashton yelled from the living area.

"I'm coming!" I said and walk to him.

"Come sit with me" he said and wrapped his arms around me after I sat down.

"You guys still have to tell Louis." Calum said.

"Noooo! Boo that idea. Louis doesn't need to know!" I said as I rested my head on Ashton's shoulder.

Ashton giggled "You know he will find out eventually right?"

"I know. I just don't want to be there when he does..." I said and Ashton kissed my cheek.

"A public place would be best." I said as I picked up my phone and called Louis.

"Hey sis!" Louis said as he answered the phone.

"Hey Boo bear! Can you and the others meet us at Nando's in about three hours? I need to tell you something." I said.

"Sure. And don't call me that!" Louis whined as he hung up the phone.

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