Theory #4

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Pete- I think Pete is a red devil possibility he is definitely a good stalker considering that he stalked Chanel his freshman year at Wallace so it could be revenge since she led him on but she didn't want to go out with him but enough about Chanel and more about Pete he also has the devil costume in his closet which he says is the Wallace university mascot but I think he's lying so he's either the red devil or is helping the red devil out now Ryan Murphy the show creator said the red devil is NOT person but is multiple people. I also think Pete could also be the baby born in the tub he is the same age as the baby would be he is so mysterious also so there is a chance and he could be the orphaned tub baby. I also think he didn't want grace to join kapa because he knew she was smart enough to find him out . Thanks for reading comment what you think

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