Mr. Bartender

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Castiel walked on the empty streets, a feeling of depression overcoming him. Too many things were happening at the same time. He walked and walked until his eyes fell upon a dimly lit sign that read Winchester's. He'd never seen it before and he felt a strong urge to go inside and have a drink.

If Castiel had to think of one word that he could use to describe the joint, it was cozy. It wasn't one of those sleazy dives filled with drunk assholes and hookers. It had a small fireplace at the far end, a single pool table near the right corner, and a small television playing some 90's sitcom. It was fairly clean, as well. Castiel instantly liked the place.

"Hey there. What can I get you?" a girl who seemed to be no older than 16 asked Castiel as he sat down on one of the bar stools.

"Rum and Coke, please." The girl nodded and began to make his drink. Castiel turned his head to watch what was on the TV while waiting.

"Here ya go," she smiled as she passed his order to him. He smiled and nodded curtly before taking a huge swig of his drink.

An hour went by and he was nearly out of it. He kept ordering the same thing every time he finished a glass. The girl shook her head every time he ordered. Castiel didn't care that she may have been judging him. He just wanted to feel free for a while.

"Slow down there tiger," a gruff voice said to Castiel. He looked up to be faced with the greenest eyes he had ever seen. "Go home Jo. I can take over from here," the green-eyed man said to the girl. She opened her mouth to argue, but the man gave her look and she surrendered. Jo had disappeared into the back and never came back out.

It stayed silent in the bar, with the exception of the soft voices from the television and the light crackling from the fireplace. Castiel started drinking at a slower pace, only so he can prolong being in the presence of the man.

Every once in a while, he stared when the man wasn't looking. The freckles on the man's face caught his attention and he couldn't help but smile.

"You know, if you take a picture, it'll last longer," the man smirked at Castiel. Castiel began to blush and the bartender grinned boyishly.

"I'm Dean, by the way." Dean put his hand out and Castiel shook it.

"Castiel," he smiled back at the Dean.

"So Cas, tell me. Why are you here at nearly three in the morning, drinking yourself to liver failure?" Castiel chuckled at the last remark and felt butterflies in his stomach when he heard the nickname he was given.

"Well, my wife just left me and I got fired from my job," Cas slurred. A few more drinks and he'd be a goner.

Dean's eyes softened after hearing Castiel's problem. He continued to serve Cas the sinple concoction, but he also laughed at all of Castiel's jokes, even if they were nonsense, and he slowly weaned Cas off of the alcohol by putting more Coke than rum when he'd give a refill.

"Do you want to go home with me?" Cas mumbled as he drank some more from his glass. He tried to wink, but he didn't really have much coordination left.

"Cas, you're good-looking and all, but you're drunk. Why don't I get you a cab instead?" Dean offered to the drunk man. Castiel nodded slowly and tried to stand. He nearly fell, but Dean had caught him. Cas turned his head, and for a moment the two stared into each other's eyes.

Words could not describe the way Castiel felt when he suddenly felt slightly chapped lips on his own. His lips moved in sync with Dean's and his heart beat increased. Rough fingertips began to card through his hair and he gave out a small moan. Dean guided Cas to one of the booths inside the bar and crawled over him. Castiel's fingers were exploring every little crevice of Dean that he could touch.

Before things could get too far, Dean pulled away and Castiel whimpered from the loss of contact. With a shake of his head, Dean lifted Castiel up on his feet and guided him towards one of the back doors.

"Where are we going?" Cas mumbled as he tried to get another kiss from Dean. Dean struggled to avoid the random kisses and carry Cas up the stairs.

"My place because you're too drunk to go home."

After Castiel had tripped over nothing a million times, they finally reached Dean's apartment. Dean had to guide Castiel into his bedroom so he wouldn't fall flat on his face.

"You gonna lay here with me hotstuff?" Castiel flirted then giggled. Dean shook his head again and tucked Cas in.

"Goodnight Cas," Dean whispered and gave a chaste kiss to the drunk stranger.

He went out of his room and plopped onto his black futon in his living room. He lay there for a second, then heard snoring from his bedroom. Dean chuckled to himself, then with a yawn and a sigh, he had drifted into sleep. That night, his dream was just blue. A blue that was almost identical to the eyes of the drunken stranger in  his bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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