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Four Days Later

I crept through the bunker, trying not to signal someone that I was moving. It was clearly daytime and Sam and Dean were at the bunker, signaled by their plaid laying over the sofa, their guns in random places, and the Impala keys on the counter.

I did a double take as I passed an open garage door. The door squeaked as I opened it and I winced, hoping the mysterious intruder wouldn't hear.

Stepping onto the cold concrete, barefoot, I scanned the giant garage. The Impala was still parked in its usual spot, with the steering wheel turned sideways as it usually was when Sam drove it. However, Sam's car was in its usual spot as well, next to a pool of liquid. I immediately recognized it as blood and ran to the other side of the car.

Blood was pouring from a gunshot wound from my uncle. He had clearly put up a fight, based on the bruising on his knuckles, but what Winchester wouldn't?

Tears brimmed at my eyes but I stood up in surprise," Dean?!" I yelled, not caring if the intruder heard.

Cas appeared at the door, not transporting but walking to the doorway with four gunshot wounds to his back. He collapsed on the concrete as well and I screamed his name.

I looked down at my hands to find that it was I who held the gun, which had clearly been fired. I wanted to scream but I couldn't; It was like I wasn't in control of my own body.

"Struggling only makes you easier to control, my darling." A silky voice called through the hell of my mind. The scene morphed and I found I was standing in a dark room, now. A woman stood before me in velvety purple robes. She had skin of bronze and eyes of gold. Her robes looked like traditional Indian dress robes, and a scarf that half covered her hair, almost in a shayla style.

"We're watching, Andrea. When you are ready...we will come..."

I woke in a cold sweat, screaming Dean's name.

He sat up with me, a worried look painting his face and a gun in his hand. When he realized there was no intruder, he turned to me. His anti possession tattoo was hidden by darkness. He pulled my head into the crook of his bare neck. I sobbed as he comforted me and held me close.

"These nightmares are getting worse, Andie. We need to figure out what's going on." He said, his warm hand on my damp neck.

" I know." I sobbed into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me tighter and kissed my forehead, laying back down with me by his side.

We lay there for a while, Dean murmuring an old Elvis song in my ear until there was a whoosh of wings flapping. Flinching visibly, Dean rubbed my arm comfortingly and sat up, leaning on the mattress with one arm and rubbing his eyes, "What do you want, Cas?"

"Sorry, Dean-o, not Cassie." A voice with a slight lisp said. I turned to see a short man with hair kind of like Sam's (in length). He wore tight black t-shirt and a tan over shirt. He had jeans on and black tennis shoes.

Dean and I sat straight up in the bed, Dean's eyes filling with anger, "Gabriel, what are you doing here?" He said in anger.

"Gabriel, as in the angel?" I asked, confused. Gabriel held his arms out to the sides, "The one and only, babe. And you're the Winchester XXS, aren't you?"

Dean moved in a more protective position, "Why are you here, Gabe?" He said pointedly.

"Ah, right. You're boyfriend is in trouble, Dean." Gabe teased, but you could see he was serious and that he was very worried about his baby brother.

Dean's eyes widened, "What happened to Cas?" He asked, grabbing a shirt off the edge of the bed and putting it on.

The door burst open and Sam came running in, "Dean!" He exclaimed until he realized Gabriel was here. I was busy pulling a pair of pants from my pile of clothing that had been given to me.

Sam was silent as Gabriel smiled, "Heya, Sammy-boy."

Sam glared at Gabriel, grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall, "Do you know how much I missed you, you ass?" He yelled before kissing Gabriel passionately.

I raised an eyebrow and Dean nodded dismissively, "Not now, Sam. Gabe, what happened?"

"Well, lets just say Cas has failed and The Big Man is not happy. He sent me here to give you a message: You have two months. If your offspring there isn't handed over, you and Winchester Junior will be in big trouble with Him."

"And you woke us up at 4 in the morning to tell us this because...?"

"Because I solved your problem." He said, aiming his sentence at me.

I raised my eyebrows, "Me? What problem?"

"The carvings, the nightmares, the powers." Gabriel said and Dean moved closer to me protectively.

"My baby brother was on the right track when he tried to extract the Angel Grace from you. However, the blood he got?" Gabriel shook his head, "Not your blood. It wasn't even human." He tilted his head from side to side, "Well, partially human. But it was Angel Blood."

All four of us cast worried, scared and confused glances in each others directions, except Gabriel.

"I think I know where it came from too.."

Meanwhile, 7 states over, in Miami, FL

Jai Argwal sat in front of her TV, which was playing yet another late night talk show. She couldn't remember what his name was...Jimmy something...Fallon? Yes that was it.

She scribbled on a notepad in front of her, something about the birth of her oldest daughter's child. She planned to send it to her son, Daniel, who was at college in Utah.

The hairs on her neck stood straight up as she sensed something moving in the background. Thinking nothing of it, she turned back to her letter.

There was a loud rustling of paper and, this time, she got up to investigate. Grabbing an umbrella from the rack as she passed it, she held it in a defensive stance. She crept into the kitchen, the umbrella in front of her.

Faster than she could think, electric blue air forced its way into her body, causing her to collapse to the floor.

When she rose again, she was no longer 35 year old Jai Argwal.

She blinked once.

Blue Angel Grace pooled her eyes and the shadow on the wall bore tattered angel wings, with feathers drifting to the ground. She stood with a new stance, stronger.

The angel, Assyria, stared at her new vessel, from the feet up. She then stared hard at the wall.

"Lebanon, Kansas."

The Righteous Man's Daughter: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now