The Time Between

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This is a story that fits in with the time Hollyleaf was in the tunnels, it doesn't actually fit into any time with the other books but its around the book The Last Hope
Hope everyone enjoys :)

Hollyleaf woke up to another normal day in the tunnels. Fallen Leaves was nowhere in sight, figures she thought.

She headed down a narrow tunnel that lead to the half lit cavern with the river. Fallen Leaves was sitting by the rivers edge staring intently at the water. His paw lashed out and in an instant their was a silvery fish on the cave floor. He killed it with a quick bite before padding over to Hollyleaf with it.

  "Here, I already ate so this ones yours" he said. Hollyleaf accepted the fish and settled down to eat. I've never actually seen Fallen Leaves eat anything she thought.

"Do you want to continue doing patrols like we used to" said Fallen Leaves. "Sure I'll take Thunderclans tunnel today" said Hollyleaf cheerfully."I'll take Windclans" replied Fallen Leaves.

  It had been almost six moons since Hollyleaf had met Fallen Leaves, she had recently been leaving the tunnels more and more to help out her clanmates. Fallen Leaves always seemed sad whenever she left, but was always happy to see her upon her return.

  Hollyleaf padded along as the tunnel became lighter and lighter.

Thunderclans so close she though longingly. No I was just their, I can't be of help right now I'll just head back to the main tunnel. Hollyleaf turned and headed back into the dark tunnels, most we're unknown and led to places underneath the territories and even outside of them.

  Hollyleaf emerged into the dimly lit cave to see that Fallen Leaves had yet to return. She sat down and started to groom herself. Why do I want to go back to Thunderclan so badly, I have everything I could want here, food, company, and shelter. I even learned my way around the tunnels. Hollyleaf sighed, even she didn't understand herself sometimes.

  Fallen Leaves returned a short while later and told her he had something to do but he would be back later.

  Hollyleaf went back to her nest and saw that her feathers we're low and she needed more. I can just head out through the tunnels and get some more real quick she thought. I should tell Fallen Leaves thought... "Fallen Leaves" Hollyleaf called out. She waited, no reply. I'll just have to find him myself.

  Hollyleaf set out into a narrow tunnel she had never been in before.

  The tunnel stayed narrow for a while and Hollyleaf was about to turn back when it suddenly opened up into a dark cavern. What is this? I've been almost everywhere how did I miss this?

  The cavern was dark and smelled of old moss left unchanged. As Hollyleafs eyes adjusted to the dark she began to see her surroundings more clearly.

  Their was a steep slope upwards toward the ceiling on her left flank side. On her right side the cavern looked even darker and made a carved out shape in the wall. It looked the most promising so she headed towards it.

    As she padded through the cavern her pawsteps echoed in the cave.

  Hollyleaf stopped right in front of the curve in the wall. She looked into the space. "Bones!" She yelped. In the nest were bones, lots of them. Their only prey bones,Hollyleaf smelled them just to make sure. Who lives here, why would they just pile up bones like this?

  As thoughts races through her mind she heard pawsteps from the opposite side of the room. She felt fear in her body as the pawsteps got closer. I should run she thought.

  The outline of a cat appeared. "Who are you?" yelled Hollyleaf fear making her body tremble and her voice weak like a kits she said "Who are you?" she repeated. The cat was almost in front of her.

"Who....are..y...ou" said a unfamiliar voice.

To be Continued.....
Any comments or suggestions are welcome and any spelling errors please point them out :)

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