kent wedding venue

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Another good option is the Beachcomber Hotel with the phone number 305-531-3755. This can be found at 1340 Collins Avenue. Although this place has some of the facilities it has to offer, you can be sure that their rooms are clean and comfortable. The hotel also offers free breakfast for those who want to stay in this place.

Chelsea Hotel is the last hotel elegantly and cost, which can be seen at 944 Washington Street. It provides a calming feng shui appeal since its decoration Japanese-style amenities and bamboo flooring are. The stay in this hotel on a cocktail hour. Not usually see that every night for hotel guests. Give guests a DJ with dance rhythms often adorns this event.

The Weald of Kent , Maidstone Road , Headcorn , Kent , TN27 9PT UK Phone - 01622 891671

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