Secret Societies Exposed? Page 3

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Freemasonry practices many rituals. Few remember the rescue of the 33 Chilean miners. Even few believe that it was actually a Masonic ritual. "All aspects of the rescue have been carefully staged to make the entire thing a spectacular show inspiring emotions, admiration and national pride. For those knowledgeable of Masonic and occult symbolism, it is hard not to ponder on the numerological and symbolic facts of the event." ("The Odd Masonic Imagery of the 33 Chilean Miners' Rescue" 1). There were 33 miners. The number 33 is of great importance to freemasonry and is found in many instances in Masonic stories. Also, what is very interesting is the date of the event, 10/13/10. If you add 10, 13 and 10 it equals 33, the important freemason number. The name of the rescue device was actually named "Fenix" (Phoenix), which is a mythological creature that is of great importance to freemasonry (1). They believe it is a symbol of accomplishment and alchemical transmutation (1). As if this weren't enough, the rescue took 33 days, one day a man. The rescue shaft was 66 centimeters, 33 times two. Even better, the first note sent by the miners to show they were alive, "Estamos bien en el refugio los 33" (all 33 of us are in the shelter), was 33 characters in length. There is very strong symbolism in this event. The freemasons believe they were lifted out of darkness by a phoenix into the light. Sounds a lot like the Chilean miner rescue.

Some believe freemasons are satanic and others disagree. They proudly display their beliefs of freemasonry. The question "What is free Masonry?" Is asked a lot. To answer that, Freemasonry and other similar groups seem to be harmless. Many seem to promote the belief in god. ("What is Free Masonry and what do Free Masons believe?" 1). But if you look a little closer, the only belief requirement is not to believe in a one and true living god, but believe in the existence of a "Supreme Being" which includes the "gods" of Islam, or any other religion (1). The anti-Christian beliefs are partially hidden beneath an outward appearance (1).

The one thing in common of all Secret Societies is the lies hidden deep beneath their surface. Weather it's the Global Elite, Illuminati, or The freemasons, its very clear that they all share just one common goal. World domination, power, and a New World Order through their "divine leader" Lucifer.

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