Questionnaire 2

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1. What was the happiest moment of your life? The saddest? Happiest is making a new friend. Saddest was being heartbroken by a guy I actually loved :(

2. Who was the most important person in your life? Can you tell me about him or her? The most important would have to be my best friend. I can tell her anything and its never awkward. We literally know everything about each other.

3. Who has been the biggest influence on your life? What lessons did that person teach you? Biggest influence would probably have to be my new friend Jessie. She's always got the best advice :)

4. Who has been the kindest to you in your life? I would say my friends but they've pushed me away a few times, so would probably have to say my mum.

5. What are the most important lessons you've learned in life? Don't let anyone bring you down, stand up for yourself even if it means being a bit of a bitch, don't ever make sacrifices for someone unless you know it's real, and don't fall in love too hard cos you'll only end up hurt if it doesn't work out. And the biggest one is: forgive someone...especially if you don't really want to, because the freedom is golden for both them and you !

6. What is your earliest memory? When I was about 4, and I was sitting on an old lady's knee. She was someone's grandmother...I think my uncle's wife's grandmother. She was very old and very kind and gentle.

7. Are there any words of wisdom you'd like to pass along to someone reading this? Guard your heart and never give it away, even to the person you love the most, because the only one who can truly take care of it is you.

8. What are you proudest of in your life? Nothing yet.

9. When in life have you felt most alone? Pretty much every day of my life :(

10. How has your life been different than what you'd imagined? I'm not happy and I always imagined having a boyfriend by now.

11. How would you like to be remembered? I just wanna be remembered really, in a good way.

12. Do you have any regrets? No I actually don't :)

13. What does your future hold? I don't want to know; the unknown is what makes life exciting. The journey towards who I'll one day be. Although at the same time it's also scary.

14. When and where were you born? I was born 4 January 1994, in South Africa.

15. Where did you grow up? Lives in South Africa until I was about four and then we moved to NZ! So while I grew up Kiwi, I'll always be an Afrikaaner at heart ! :)

16. What was it like? As far as I can remember I had a good childhood. I had happily married parents who loved each other and loved me and my siblings. They taught me good manners and disciplined us well. I loved my childhood and I'm so happy they raises me and my siblings the way they did. :)

17. Who were your parents? Altus and Leatitia . :)

18. What were your parents like? They loved us and spoiled us, but we were disciplined and taught to be well-mannered :) we weren't snobbily spoiled; it's just that we always had everything we needed :)

19. How was your relationship with your parents? Pretty good. I love them to bits, although I think I have a stronger relationship with my mummy :)

20. Did you get into trouble? What was the worst thing you did? I really can't think of anything right now. I did a few bad things thst weren't like SUPER bad, but what kids hasn't done something naughty...

21. Do you have any siblings? What were they like growing up? I have a younger sister and our brother is the "baby" of the family. Growing up with them...well let's say I loved them to bits but we did have our ups and downs. Haha

22. What did you look like? I had white blonde hair, very straight. And big bright blue eyes!

23. How would you describe yourself as a child? Were you happy? Yes, happy ;) Cheeky, naughty, shy, silly, funny and I loved cuddles with my parents !

24. What is your best memory of childhood? Worst? Best childhood memory would have to be my brother's birth ! Worst would have to be getting a big hiding for helping steal a little girls lunch when I was in primary school. Damn that was the worst hiding i ever got and actually one of I last I think.

25. Did you have a nickname? How'd you get it? Liela. I have no idea how I got it to be honest. I've had it ever since I can remember.

26. Who were your best friends? What were they like? Sarskia was my best friend when I was little. She was really nice at first but then she got mean. We aren't friends anymore...

27. How would you describe a perfect day when you were young? A family outing anywhere, like the beach or gardens. :)

28. What did you think your life would be like when you were older? Well if I think back I had always dreamed of having an amazing career, an amazing boyfriend and a house of my own by now, but I guess it didn't work out like that.

29. Do you have any favorite stories from your childhood? 'Stories' as in like books or fictional stories, cos if that's what you mean, then I had a huge obsession with "Beauty and the Beast" and I still do. It's my favorite fairytale. Long story behind why...

30. Do you have a love of your life? I wish he was, but sadly no.

31. When did you first fall in love? Well The first real time was end of 2012, actually.

32. Can you tell me about your first kiss? Eight-year-old me. Closet. Under a duvet. With a 7-year-old boy. He was the one who kissed me. It was really not even a minute, and just a peck on the lips, haha. But other than that I haven't been kisses.

33. What was your first serious relationship? Well it was pretty serious for about 4 months, but we never saw each other except for two weeks before he announced he met someone else :(

34. Do you believe in love at first sight? No not love, but maybe something else. I don't believe you can love someone after laying your eyes on them for the first time ! Maybe attraction.

35. Do you ever think about previous lovers? He wasn't a lover, but I do think about him.

36. What lessons have you learned from your relationships? Don't make sacrifices. Don't fall too hard and easy. Don't say "I love you" first.

37. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you? Losing touch with a friend who lives near me would be super hard I think.

38. What are you most grateful for? Waking up alive and healthy everyday. And having both my parents loving each other and me and my siblings !

39. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? I don't know. I don't wanna lose old memories but also want to be able to make new ones.

40. Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first? Depends.

41. Has your greatest fear ever come true? Kinda of :/

Well that's done and dusted ! I'll be posting quite a few of these ! It's pretty fun doing them ! Feel free to copy and erase my answers, so you can fill it in yourself.

I don't take any credit for coming up this questionnaire.

I found it on Tumblr ! :)

xo dawnsblush

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