Summer Love in Greece Part 3

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I awoke at 4 am the next morning with bumping noises. Someone was checking-in and being very noisy. I was now wide awake. I showered and ate breakfast and felt ready to see the day. It was now 5 am and out I went to check out the Port of Piraeus. The large blue star ferry Delos was at dock E7 preparing to go to Santorini and next to that boat was the Naxos ferry which would take me to Syros the following day. I would finally be returning to my mother's home but first I was going to see Athens.

I boarded the train and found and a seat. I wanted to go to the Acropolis to visit my ancestor's great achievement. I had a map of Athens that I had picked up at the airport but it wasn't clear what station I should get off. I wished that my mother had taught me to read Greek. There was no Saturday morning Greek school growing up in an Australian country town. I was busy too busy climbing cherry trees and helping my Dad on the farm. I was confused and got off at Omonia station. I walked up the stairs to find myself at a huge traffic round about, it was still dark> I thought I should be seeing the Acropolis by now up on the hill. I went back down and hopped on another train, this time alighting at Syntagma Square. There were a few more people around now but I still couldn't see the Acropolis so, I hailed a taxi and said, "Please take me to the Acropolis".

I think the taxi driver thought I was a crazy woman! It was now 6:30 am and the sun was beginning to rise. We drove up a very steep hill and I paid the driver 15 euro. Well worth the money I thought to finally arrive! It was Sunday morning and the church bells were ringing in Athens below me. I started to walk up the hill through the trees. There was no-one else around except the loud singing of the cicada insects which to me was a strange sound at this time of the morning. In Australia we only have cicadas singing in Summer at dusk bur this was still early morning. I reached the top of the hill. The opening time for the Acropolis was 8:00 am. There were security guards at the firmly closed gates. I walked past them and sat around the corner on a rock where I could look out of Athens. I began to cry, the emotion of finally arriving in Greece and my mother's death overwhelming me. I was remembering home and that I had bought a travel pass for my mobile phone. I quickly set about activating the pass and checked the time in Australia. Greece was 7 hours behind which meant it was now 2 pm at home, I could ring Dad. I dialled the number and heard Dad's voice,

"Hello, John speaking?"

"Hello, Dad it's me Angie, I'm in Greece at the Acropolis."

"Angie, are you okay?"

"Yes Dad. I finally arrived yesterday, it was a long flight but I'm okay, I will be going to Syros tomorrow on the boat."

"Oh, Angie I was so worried about you travelling alone. I am so glad you are safe; call me again tomorrow when you arrive in Syros."

"Okay Dad, it's good to hear your voice I will talk to you tomorrow, good-bye."

It was good to hear my Dad's voice so far away. I was starting to feel a little better. Two dogs then came bounding up the hill towards me with an older woman trying to run after them. The dogs stopped when they saw me and came to sniff my bag.

"Kalimera", the woman greeted me, which meant good morning in Greek.

I replied, "Kalimera". She then started speaking Greek to me but I said sorry English please.

She said her name was Maria and she cared for the Acropolis guard dogs, she was coming to feed and water them. She was also a tourist guide for the Acropolis and invited me to come on her tour at 0800. I said that would be fantastic and I would meet her at the entrance gate after I had bought my ticket. It was soon 0800, I bought my ticket and met Maria at the entrance gate, and she had also found two older men from the US to take on the tour. Over the next two hours we climbed up the Acropolis and saw the building work of the ancient Greeks. I marvelled over the works and listened to the stories that Maria told and then the tour was over. I went to sit in a cool place as it was now 30 degrees and there were many tourists from all over the world visiting the Acropolis. I thought of what it would have been like living in ancient Greece and coming to worship at the Acropolis, it all felt such a long time ago. I was beginning to feel tired and hot; it was time to head back to Piraeus. I walked back down the hill and saw the hop on, hop off tourist bus. I hopped on the blue bus and took a city tour of Athens. I was too tired to hop and visit and many sights. The bus stopped at Omonia square which I recognised from early in the morning. I hopped off the bus and went down into the train station where I caught the train back to Piraeus.

Back at the Port I passed a Greek Bakery and went in as I was feeling hungry. I saw some spanakopita, which is a spinach pie and some cold orange juice. I returned to the Ionian hotel and enjoyed the pie immensely. It was now the afternoon and I layed down on the bed with the cool air-conditioning on and promptly fell asleep. I awoke a few hours later, had a drink of water and set the alarm for 5 am. The boat to Syros left at 7:30 am from the Port, I had another early start!

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