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"Mr. Trenton Derek Francis, I hereby sentence you to a year of community service at the Childrens' Hospital of San Diego. You will also serve three months parole prior to your community service. Do you accept?" Judge Wharves declared.
"We accept, your honor." My lawyer proclaimed, sounding defeated.
"Well....court adjourned." He said, slamming his gavel.
Everyone rose and started to leave the room. I sat there, relieved.
A year of community service? Thats it?!? Whoo.....I thought I'd be sentenced to 15 years in Juvie like my boy Danny. It would be good to see him but I was always the 'on the outside lookin in' type of guy.
My mom stands and starts walking away, shaking her head. I frown and follow with my lawyer. I dont like disappointing my mom. She has always been there for me. I hate it when I get her like this. She loves me and I'm a big screwup. I dont get why she tries with me.
"Sorry, Francis. I tried to lessen the sentence. That was as low as it will go. I apoligize." Samuel Garner told me, looking upset.
"It's okay. It's not your fault. I got us into this..........and you're not the one who needs to apoligize. I'm the one who needs to apoligize to a certain someone. Bye, Mr. Garner." After he returns my goodbye, I run over to my mom.
She turns and looks at me, her eyes red from the tears.
"Mama...I'm sorry. I didnt mean to......." I start.
"Stop, hijo. I dont wanna hear it." She says, walking away. She sits in the drivers side of the car.
Turning the car on, she waits idly for me to get in.
Sighing, I walk over and enter the passenger side. Clicking my seat belt closed, she starts driving. We drove home quietly, listening to my mother's favorite Hispanic music station.
Twenty minute later, we pull into the drive way of our little cul-de-sac. Turning off the engine and taking the keys, she gets out and walks to the front door; not saying a word.
The silent treatment. My mom only gives me that when she is really disappointed. I messed up bad this time.
Getting out, I followed; hearing the car click as it locks.
Following my mom into the house, I walk upstairs to my room. Flopping down on my bed, I hear mi madre shuffle to her bedroom. She must be getting ready to go to work. She is a waitress at Golden Corral. She works so hard. And all I do is make it even harder for her. Looking over at my LED alarm clock, it's 3:45. She's late. I made her late.
Today is July 17. I, Trenton Francis, have just been given a year of community service for a failed drug deal. I got caught and now I gotta pay the price. On July 23, I start my community service at Childrens' Hospital of the San Diego County. Tomorrow I'm going to see my parole officer, Nathan Bacliff. I'm not looking forward to this but.....I just want my mom to stop being mad at me. So I will finish this and clean up my act. I can do this........right?

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