NDA is out

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Chapter Dos;

The third semester had finally started. It was the most busiest semester yet it was also the scariest next to the fourth.

It was the semester when they let out the NDA boys. Everybody would be scared of them. Though every girl wanted to date them because they were so "hot." They weren't lying because some of the boys were really hot! Some were cute and others were ugly.

Jerred was the hottest one of them all. Next to Ethan. Jerred Beckham and Ethan Tidwell were the hottest and everybody considered them basically bothers since they have been in NDA since second grade.

Jerred and Ethan were in the same classes as me since second grade when they left. Jerred, Ethan, Me, and Nadia, look-a-like twin, had basically been bestfriends.

Nadia had always liked Jerred. She just never showed it, but I mean she always acted weird around him. So it was pretty obvious. Ethan and I found it hilarious because Jerred thought she had problems.

Prom was next semester and already they would be surrounding Jerred and Ethan. Nadia and I thought it was funny watching the popular girls get rejected by the hottest dudes in our school. Of course Ethan and Jerred have already crushed on girls on the school and we didn't even know.

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