Chapter One: Broken and Humbled.

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Chapter One: Broken and Humbled.

WWE Monday Night Raw


After WWE Battleground, Kevin Owens defeated John Cena twice CLEANLY becoming the new WWE United States Champion. Those who were fans of Cena were shocked. And those who were not gave praise to his defeat. As if they were the only ones, the superstars and divas were the most surprised at his second straight legit loss to the former NXT Champion. Even the staff, crew among others couldn't believe but as it is everyday some were shocked and some were very pleased with the outcome. Cena walked through the gazes and stares and whispers an ill changed man. He would have to face the crowd and fans he let down once again.


Michael Cole: Welcome everyone to WWE Monday Night Raw, Michael Cole here with JBL and Byron Saxton at ringside and gentlemen, after the beating and humiliation that John Cena suffered at the hands once again of Kevin Owens last night at WWE Battleground, just seeing John this way...

JBL: Cena lost fair and square again. Lost the United States Championship. Now he has to live with it.

John's music hits and the crowd is all but welcoming. The men didn't feel any different than usual. The women and children however have all but abandoned him now. No longer were they wearing his merchandise but half of the crowd in fact were all wearing the letters of KO which of course were Kevin's itnitials. Cena would usually rile the crowd up but after last night, he was walking as if he were on death row and the fans were the switch pullers. If it showed, and it did, Cena was ruined beyond comprehension. As he finally made it towards and inside the ring, he was handed a microphone but it took a while for him to speak. He looked at the fans with pity but for himself. The crowd as usual would have their fun with "Let's Go Cena, Cena Sucks!" But now there was but only "Cena Sucks!" Which has since then became a tune when his music would sound off and the fans would sync in their words keeping in beat. Cena would put the mic up to his lips, nothing came out as he put it down as he stared at the signs the crowd had tonight. One man had a sign that said "Owens Owned Cena." Another had one that said "Super Cena Lost Twice." Another sign said Owens Rules, Cena's A Tool." And a few women had signs that said "Owens Is My Hero Now." Or some that said "Cena is Owened by KO." But the one sign that TRULY stung at John was the one that was held by a child once part of his audience and now has abandoned the Cenation way. That sign said..."Cena Is A Cancer." Cena swallowed hard at what his eyes saw from that sign. He brushes his face slowly and hard trying to cope with the fact that the fans have now turned on him and betrayed him. He took of his hat, brushed the sweat from his forhead and put it back on, trying to get the words out but nothing again came out. The fans start to chant "Owens Owns You!" over and over again. Cena looks back and forth at the fans slowly with mix of sadness and anger. Trying to compose himself he tries to speak again but instead, the theme music of Kevin Owens goes booming and the crowd immediately goes insane and praises Owens. Chanting his name left and right. Kevin was all smiles tonight. Walking down the ramp with his newly won prize in his posession and would live to brag about it.

Michael Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, here he is the new United States Champion, Kevin Owens. The man who defeated John Cena...Twice. Once at Elimination Chamber and last night at the Battleground pay-per-view. John Cena would one up Owens at Money In The Bank in their second rematch, but I don't think it matters anymore now, John.

JBL: Kevin Owens proved that he can not only start a fight, but can back it up and finish it. And the U.S. Title around his shoulder proves that, Michael.

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