Chapter 1

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"I dare you."

This is a fine example of why I hate my friends. I mean wouldn't you be mad if your friends go told you to flirt with the boy who broke your best friends heart. I mean I don't even like the guy, if anything I hate him! Normally I would turn down something like this, but this was different. It was a dare. I have never turned down a dare in my life, and I wasn't about to start now.

So there I was, on the first day of 12th grade, Walking up to Dylan Wilder, the, umm, how do i put this lightly. Well... you could say, strangest student in the grade. I never understood what was wrong, i mean sure he was overly outgoing and super rude and sarcastic, but really, what teenager isnt.I mean most of my class wouldn't even talk to him, and to be honest, I didn't want to either,but for different reasons of course. But this was a dare.

And that's when I saw him.

The kid had changed a lot over the summer. His brown hair was much shorter than it had been in eleventh grade, and he had gotten taller. And how did his skin manage to get paler over the summer!? He seemed more mature than last year too, but I'm sure he was still an idiot. Also, his voice. It was way deeper than his old, awkward, high-pitched puberty voice. And as much as I hated to admit it, he had gotten a lot more attractive.

As I wove my way through the crowded gymnasium, my heart started beating faster. I had shaved off my eyebrows, sang karaoke, and play Nickelback over the loudspeakers as dares, but nothing that could end up being as embarrassing as this. I mean, actually pretending to like Dylan Wilder?! Yeah right.

But my life motto is "Never turn down a dare",(might I add I'm highly regretting that now) so with a deep breath, I walk up to him.

"Of all the Dylan Wilder ' s I know, you're my favorite" I said raising an eyebrow as I stood in front of him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked with a confused look on his face. Of course Dylan wouldn't be able to flirt to save his life.

"What are you doing this very second? Apart from thinking of me." I ask again with a flirtatious smile hoping he'd take a hint.When he keeps the same look on his face, I say,"My love for you is like diarrhea,I can't hold it in". I'm sure that's when he realized that I'm completely insane.

"Hey good lookin', what's cookin'?" I said with a smirk as he finally realized what was going on.

"Lexie, are you seriously trying to flirt with me? No offense, but i'm way out of your league." This really doesn't surprise me at all. He's just being his regular, vain self.

"What?! But I totally thought you were into me." I say with a sad expression on my face.

"Well... if you're really that desperate..... I suppose. Alexcia would you like to go on a date with me?" This time, he actually looks hopeful. Craaaaaaap. I can't say no. This is basically "the dare" continued. Plus it would break his tiny, sad, ugly, vain heart.

"Really?!" I shouted with my eyes open in shock. Thankfully no one else heard it over the loud music playing from the loud speakers.

"Yeah!" Dylan said finally warming up."maybe just the football game this friday?" He said with a huge smile on his face.

"Ummm....sure. I'd love to!" I exclaimed with fake enthusiasm. The faster I could get away the better.

"Great," He said!" so how about we can just meet up since we both live nearby or-"

"Yeah perfect" I cut him off. "So I'll see you around!" I said, and before he could say anything I walked away.


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