Chapter One: Tomboy And Player?

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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first story on Wattpad. I've written elsewhere in the past. I really love to read your comments. I like to see constructive criticism so i can improve, but please, no hate. Hurtful comments can damage people. No one's perfect and human errors are normal. I really love writing and i hope this story will one day make it big on Wattpad. If you're offended by anything in my story, i'm sorry. I don't mean to offend anyone because of the stereotyping in my story. Enjoy!





Chapter One: Tomboy and Player?

"They're both neck to neck! With only twenty five metres left!"

"The suspense is killing me!"

"Your girl's gonna win. Don't worry about it."

"You sure?"

"No doubt. I promise, man."

Sure, my girl won, but i lost. I lost her.


"This is so good," i thought, as i drank my peppermint mocha frappuccino. Starbucks will forever be my best friend.

I adjusted my shades and Alden snatched the frappuccino out of my hand. He gulped down almost half of it, as if he hadn't just drunk one litre of Arizona tea. I winked at some blonde chicks on our right and one actually fanned her face.

Alden Jeremiah has been my best friend since the day we were born. Our parents had been high school best friends. Alden and i were known for being Abraham Lincoln High's players. With my jade green eyes, blond hair, six pack abs and my stature of six feet at the age of fifteen going on sixteen, i could definitely be an Abercrombie & Fitch male model. I'm pretty sure my high cheekbones and distinct jawline made me all the more attractive. Alden's jet black hair and stormy gray eyes fit his height of six feet, and i was currently helping him on upgrading his four packs to six.

I snatched my frappuccino back and drank to my heart's content. My phone vibrated and I took it out of my pocket, opening the message my mum had sent me.

"What? Did something happen?" I muttered to myself. Alden raised his eyebrows and i explained, "My mum asked me to hurry home 'cause something urgent popped up. Finish this for me." I handed him my frappuccino and he grinned from ear to ear, like a child on Christmas morning.

I quickened my pace and reached home in a minute. "Mum!" I shouted when i opened the door of our three-storey house. "In here!" She shouted back, indicating she was in the kitchen. I dashed to the kitchen and asked, "What happened?" I pushed my shades to the top of my head and slowed my pace when i saw she was... Baking. What? Did she have an oven crisis or something?

"We have new neighbours. Go next door and help them move in. Your dad's already there," my mum ordered.

"That's all? You made it sound like someone died," i said, rolling my eyes.

"Touchwood. Don't say that in front of me," she said, shooing me out of the kitchen. I sighed and slammed the front door shut, trudging next door.

"Fabian's a sophomore too. I'll ask him to look out for Jasslyn when they start school," my dad said, walking onto the pavement, followed by two females.

"Haha it's okay, Mr Keats. I'm old enough to take care of myself," the younger of the two females said, grinning.

The girl looked my age, with light blue eyes and a black beanie on her long, straight auburn hair. She was wearing a purple tank top and a pair of black shorts. Overall, she had a pretty face and a sexy body. Yeah, i don't like to beat around the bush.

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