Chapter Seven

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okay, so forever_writing_26 and I have a schedule, but we won't be updating next week since I wont be here. starting the week after, though, we'll start updating every tuesday (hopefully...)

Hope you like the chapter!!!


Recap: Alaina has just learned that her dad was fired. At the end of the chapter, she bumps into Kevin.


"Oh, hi Alaina!" Kevin said, sounding surprised--surprised, but happy. "Nice to see you!"

"Yeah, hi, I guess," I replied.

"What happened?" Kevin asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

I sat down on a nearby bench, and Kevin sat down with me. "I don't have a house anymore. My dad doesn't have a job. He was fired. I don't know what's going to happen to my life," I said. Without warning, I broke into tears. Great. Now he's going to think that I'm seeking pity. Well, I guess I am...

Kevin wrapped an arm around me. "Hey, it's okay. Remember that offer I made you before? It's still open."

I kept my head down. "The one where I work at the palace?"

Without looking at him, I knew that Kevin was nodding. "Yes, that one. You would have a home at the palace."

"And my dad?" I asked. "Where would he go? Do you think I'd just leave him out to rot?" I demanded, glaring at him.

Kevin's golden eyes blinked, looking surprised. "No, I wouldn't think of anything like that! I thought that it was assumed that he'd stay with my family! We have so many extra rooms... He'd certainly be welcome there!"

I felt a warm rush of gratitude, and my heart melted. I'd only met Kevin a few days ago, and already he was offering to save my father and I. "Yes, I'll take your offer," I said, turning around so I was facing him. "Thank you," I whispered. "You don't know how much this means to me. You didn't have to do this, and yet you chose to save us," I sobbed, and put my arms around him. His clothes were... damp? What in the world... It doesn't matter. He just saved my life.

Kevin hugged me back. "I'd do it a million times over," he whispered back.

After a few moments, I released him from the hug. "Thank you," I said again. Suddenly, though, Kevin's expression changed to one of regret. "What is it?" I asked.

"I... I don't really want to tell you and ruin your good mood."

"W-What happened?"

"It's just that... I was talking to Joshua right before I came this way. He... He was bragging about how he had fired someone."

"No..." I whispered. Joshua wouldn't do that to me... would he? I did just meet him a only few days ago.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" I screamed, not wanting to believe that my new friend had betrayed me.

Kevin nodded sadly. "I'm sorry, but it's true. He fired your dad."

"Why would he do that?" I whispered, more to myself than anyone else. Then, I asked Kevin, "He fired my dad just because he wanted to?!?"

Kevin nodded.

I felt like someone had just thrown me into a pit full of glass shards. Joshua had betrayed me. I felt like throwing up. All of his charm... his friendliness with me earlier... It was all just a fraud. He was no friend of mine. "I thought Joshua was better than that," I said, feeling dead inside.

There was a noise behind me. I whirled around to see the one and only... Joshua? What was he doing here? Wait... he was spying on us?

My vision went red. How could he? He's just a liar, a backstabber, a traitor... This is what I get for trusting him, huh?

Only half-thinking, I made my way over to Joshua. I didn't even realize that I was crying until I felt a tear land on my hand.

"Listen, Alaina, I didn't do-"

Why would I listen to him? "I don't care what you didn't do! My father is out of a job because of you! He will be out on the streets because of you! Do you know how long he has had that job? TWENTY YEARS! Does that not mean anything to you?"

I advanced towards Joshua, getting more and more angry with every step. He started backing away, but his expression remained pleading. He stared into my eyes, as if he were trying to make me understand, but I didn't fall for his tricks. Joshua backed up so far that he was against a wall, but I stepped towards him. When I was close enough to him that I could see the darker blue flecks in his turquoise eyes, I stopped.

This was the man that had just ruined my father's career. This was the man that had just ruined my life. All of the fear I had just experienced, all of the sadness, all of the stress--it was all Joshua's fault. Before I even knew what I was doing, I heard a loud slap, and a stinging feeling in my hand. I looked up at Joshua in disbelief. There was a red mark on the side of his face. Had I just... slapped Joshua?

It didn't matter. He deserved it. He had done so much to my father and I... He deserved to die. I turned on my heel and walked off, and never once looked back.


So, what do you think? Did you like it? Please let me know!!! If you liked it, then PLEASE VOTE!!!!!

Also, we got a cast together!!! If you were imagining the characters in a different way, then don't let us stop you!

Love you all,

-Sophie <3

P.S. MAKE SURE TO CHECK OUT "TIDES" BY forever_writing_26!!! SHE'S AWESOME!!!

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