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I moan smiling as his kisses trail down the side of my neck. My body had a warm after glow that made me feel as if I was on top of the world. He wraps his hands around my waist holding on tighter mumbling sweet nothings into my ear making me giggle.

It was as if everything was in its place this morning the sun was a bit brighter and the crackle of fire danced in the warmth of our room. The day's sun was peeking above the snow capped mountains of Girdwood, Alaska. Having moved from the sunny, crowded state of Florida I couldn't say that I missed it one bit. The cold brisk mornings to the beautiful snowy banks, Girdwood was my true home and I wouldn't change it. It was strictly old coven territory. In turn, it meant that no wolves could pass our boarders without an escort. Myself being the exception of course.

"You know he's going to get mad right? What is this the fifth time? " I smile pushing his head away from me as he playfully bites me.

He falls back on the bed with a groan in his naked sexy glory. "Seventh." Chest rippling with firm muscles all the way down to that sexy 'v' leading to his not so little man. I chuckle getting up having a little stretch only to feel a sharp smack on my bottom. He moans out a grunt as I shake my head moving to the bathroom.

"You're such a prick." I mumble turning on the hot water instantly fogging up the bathroom. "You like it!" He shouts from the room followed by a chuckle. I roll my eyes knowing that it was true.

Water pelts down on my sore muscle creating a relief and making me sigh out in content. Not long after washing the sods out of my hair I hear him brushing his teeth in the sink. Stepping out leaving the water running for him, I wrap a towel around me and pluck my toothbrush from the holder.

"You think it will go well?" He asks the question that I was trying to push off until the next morning when I would actually have to face the problem. I wash my mouth out grabbing a brush and working on my crazy blond curls.

"I don't know how it will go. No one does. Their kind aren't too keen to letting things go." I sigh running a hand down my face. "It's been twelve years, Rémy."

The water turns off and his wet arms surround me and face nuzzles into my neck. "I know." We stand there just enjoying being in each other's embrace for the moment. The fist slamming on the bedroom door had us moving and scurrying to get ready. I was in the closet pulling on shorts and a shirt when he answered the door. Dante's annoyed voice drifted in making me cringe at the amount of laps we would have to do to make up for skipping morning practice.

I peek out while pulling my hair into a messy bun only to notice their stoic faces as they mumbled to one another. A frown filters on my face as I step out towards them. Their gaze to me wasn't any better.

Dante giving me a once over. "Change. Practice is canceled."

My frown deepens. Dante never canceled practice, ever. "What is it? Has someone died?" My stomach clenched at the thought only to release as he gives a shake of the head.

"They're here." The blood must have drained from my face because Rémy was by my side in an instant. He held my hand in his trying to comfort me but my stomach was already in knots.

"Why? They said tomorrow! How could they break their word-"

"It doesn't matter why. What matters is that they are here. Violetta is ready for your escort. You've ten minutes." He gives me a slight bow before saluting Rémy and leaving.

The door shuts and a bit of silence passes before I move towards the closet. He takes my hand in his a pulls me to his chest surrounding me in his warmth. "I won't let them take you." His arms tighten for good measure.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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