The Titan's Flame

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 Hey there. My name is Eden Spice. Yeah, I know. Sounds like food. Even worse, sounds like a boys name. My parents were obviously hoping for not-me. Anyway, I'm a pretty normal 17 year old girl. Go to school, have some choice friends, unwanted enemies, funkie hobbies and casual habits. That is, I thought so. Then my life had to go and turn into a cliche supernatural romance book gone wild. One guy I just HAPPEN to meet at my first rave hits on me, dances with me, KISSES me, then tells me I'm the flippin' daughter of a titan?! Not cool! And to make things worse, it's not just ANY titan. Oh no. I'm the kid of Prometheus, the guy that breathed life into humanity and gave us fire. Fantastic. How in Hades am I supposed to react to this kind of news? Blink and say "Cool" like it's nothing? If only life was that easy.

 Hello, my name is Polemistis. I am the son of Coeus, titan of intellect. Master Prometheus sent me to New York to pick up his and Pandora's daughter Floga, but her mortal name turned out to be Eden. She's a pretty girl. Wavy brown hair, blue eyes that almost seem silver. Definitely inherited Pandora's good looks, but I can definitely see the fire in her eyes that makes her Prometheus' child. I just wished I could be reuniting the family on better terms and NOT because Flo-uh, Eden's life is in danger. Stupid Zeus and his stupid grudge against Master Prometheus. Anyway, I can already tell she won't take the news well. What kind of teenager would want to learn from a stranger that they're adopted and all-powerful? Certainly not this one, that's for sure...


Well~, what did you think? Feel free to critique. I love bluntness so don't beat around the bush with your opinions, but please don't use profanities. Though I'm rather fond of them myself, I prefer not having them pop up in comments. Don't ask. Just a weird little quirk I have. Thanks for reading and please rate it too! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2011 ⏰

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