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Authors note: this was a short story I wrote in English and I liked it so much I thought I should post it, so I did!


We were on a yacht when the wind began to blow and the waves started to curl. I commenced to take deeper breathes as the air grew thicker. My body shook as the frigid air wrapped itself around me, freezing my bare skin. Quickly, I looked around for my companions, just to see a large group of fearful faces huddled together in attempt to ward off the cold. Their wind struck bodies vibrated as the wind came in stronger and stronger, knocking a few off their feet. Suddenly, the boat was struck on the left slinging me to the right and then again to the left as the greeting waves knocked on the right. With all my strength I endeavored to pull my body up, but due to the numbness of my legs, I found myself back on the deck. I lifted my head up to the heavens only to see a wave too big to even be real. It crashed onto deck immediately filling it with water and bringing the boat under.

The screams of the people at my side mixed with the sounds of the spraying sea. The water was deep enough to submerge my legs and creep up past my waist. An eerie feeling crept through my system, this couldn't be the end could it? Not just yet. My heart fell as the boat began to tip to the right, sliding my enabled body towards the deep watery abyss. Regret came upon me as I look toward my acquaintances, now fewer in number. Their faces were covered with horror as they looked down in the water at unmoving figures, the younger ones who couldn't swim. And now the last of us were still in this hell, covered in blood and bruises, waiting for the end which was drawing near. Tears began to knock on the doors of my eyes, stinging with a passion and pooling like the water around me. I tried to keep them back, more salt water wasn't going to help us.

My anxious hands felt around for an object I could hoist myself upon. After a few seconds of searching, a fair piece of bent railing found its way into my hands. I grabbed hold and pulled my wait into it, only to have it snap I half, which let me fall back underwater to the deck. My body was too cold, too heavy, too stiff, to move an inch, much less swim to catch my breath, or a small lifeless puff of air. So, I let my body lay limp, allowing the frozen water to entrance it in a blanket of stillness, while every limb went numb. Darkness began to shroud my vision, as oxygen diminished from my lungs. Water filed its way through my nostrils and lips, along with death, riding its way in as well. My body sunk into the vast ocean, as my vision left me completely, death conquering.

My body shot up out from my bed, beads of sweat surfacing my forehead. I felt tears crammed into the depths of my eyes and pain shoved deep into my soul. What was real and what wasn't. Was I simply dreaming or was I rescued? I slammed my hand against my bed, releasing a shriek, which burned my lungs as it ended. A woman dressed in white came in asking me questions I couldn't hear, saying things, which I would never care. My hands slung towards her pushing her away, but her hands put me down as she attempted to overpower me. Her mouth was open, making her look as if she was screaming, but I heard no sound. Tears started to pour down the sides of her face as I attempted to fight back, yet to find my muscles were tense, and were no longer responding. Into her blurry eyes I looked "I failed, my passengers, my friends, my family, they are gone, and I am in a nightmare."

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