Back Story Continuation

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Recovering to the normal sanity that usually inhabited me, I coerced myself into readying for yet another ever fruitful day. Dragging myself off the thin mattressed bed I stood on unsteady feet . My hands slightly shook as I took a lock of my once lustrous blonde hair between my fingers. Nervously twiddling it as I prepared myself mentally for the challenges that awaited me outside these confining walls .Trying unsuccessfully to put to use the many breathing exercises I'd learned, I inched myself forward, My resolve cracking as my back did .I managed to get to the sink before I ditched my last effort . Holding on as if for dear life , I turned on the tap, allowing the murky water to slide through my fingers. Which I eventually brought up to my face. Sending a jolt of electric current through my whole being , my version of coffee. Once I'd brushed my teeth and ran a brush thoroughly my unruly hair I was ready, to take on the.... *sigh* day. I knocked on my door twice, the signal that I was ready to be released , into therapy that is .

It'd been exactly 261 days since I'd been here and they're still having difficulty calculating my sanity. Hell I did too. Pinpointing my "illness" was apparently one of the most interesting cases they've had yet, here a Stony Brooke Mental Institution . Home to the most wide variety of disorders in Polson, Montana . Just my luck that I was a minor though or they'd have held me in a more "proper" facility. Meaning the hospital wing at the Oaklin Penitentiary.

Sometimes I heard the helpers, more like prison guards in training, talking about what it'd be like for me once I got there. Because that's what they all thought, once I became undetermined officially they'd wait it out till I turned eighteen and then haul me off to Oaklin's. Fine by me, they could think what they wanted , in my mind I already knew what I'd been predetermined to do, by fate, so I thought. In three years I'd prove I was a whole new level of crazy and that it was mentally impossible for me to be responsible for It. But that on the right medication, pfft, it could be controlled. With enough facts and proven experimentation I could pull it off. And if not... Well I will, for sure.

My first step was to slowly allow my captors to realize what was going on. Catching onto my mood swings sure would help. At some points I was at the edge of my own doom cliff.Other times I was riding the happy , thought to be drug induced, train. As far as they were concerned it was standard bipolar disorder. On the other hand they did think I was a physcopath. In my opinion nothing about my case was even close to norm. Meaning , yes it is of the 'supernatural'. Shocker.

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