Chapter One:

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I turned both ways, worried about life or death. What was the right choice? I was suffering and didn’t want to fight it anymore. One little mistake landed me in a hospital bed. But for what? A small car collision was costing my life. I just hoped that the other driver was alright. But more importantly, was my baby girl still alive?

     I laid in complete silence. My head felt like it was still pouring out blood and I couldn’t feel my body. I couldn’t smell anything because of the fact that I have tubes up my nose and I can taste the sleeping gas that was a horrid flavor. Honestly, I felt like a vegetable(unable to do anything). The room was still quiet...until.

     The doctors and the surgeons started to rush down the hall with full speed. As they past my room, I realised who’s life they were trying to save...Lily!!!

     I wanted to get up so desperately and help them save my child, but I could barely move my fingers led alone my feet. Lily was dying and I can’t even say goodbye. She was only 6 years old, she barely lived a happy life. But she had already lost her I wasn’t going to let her die this way, I WASN’T!

     “Lily!!!” I screamed at the top of my croaky voice. “BE STRONG...please, be strong for me!” I added with the extreme case of depression rising within me.

     “She will be ok, I promise you...she will. I won’t let her die” the surgeon tried to reassure me with unfaithful written eyes.

     Before I got the chance to reply with a thank-you to the uncertain surgeon, he was gone and so was Lily. There was nothing to say at that point, because a life so innocent, rare and precious was about to be lost. Sure they were going to do their absolute best to keep her with us, but judging by the state she was in, she had a chance that was the thickness of cracking ice. 

     The air in my room was filled with udder desperation and severe anxiety by this point. I was clueless as to what I was doing with my life in the moment of time. If she died, I would have no one. I needed my one and only child to be strong and hang on, because without her...I am nothing. She is the reason I live and the reason I’m fighting for survival in this situation. 

     What if she never recovers from the crash? In that case...I would hope the other driver would rot in hell for being apart of my daughters death. It may not be right to be thinking negative to this extent, but for now I’ll blame it on the drugs forced into my broken body. It’s the only way when your daughter is barely surviving even with life support.


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