Schoool is not coole

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Twoday wuz ma first day of school. it wuz awful.

first, i had to wake up so ealry in the omorning that dora wasn't even oon. NOT EVEN DIEGO WUZ ON

i got dressed into ma dress that I baught from a cool dress shop in narnia. shoutout to theselections who DEEDN'T COME WITH ME EVEN THOUGH SHE SAID SEH WOULD. Maybe wee can go anouther time... i still could use more dresses for my closet to narnia

I also dressed brit brit up. she lookwed really baeish and blubbet, so i tooted and then she ran away. but i caught her and we ate food. I ate the usual cheerio b and taco supreme and ma birthday cake, then i packed the same thingy for lunch

then, I carried brit brit and wee walked to school.

i wuz pransing doun the hallway, wen i was stoped bye a bunch uv other studnets. Then they circled me and britbrit an started lafing. 

"nice dress you wail" one of de guys said to me. 

"almost too nice" anotha one lafed. 

Then, i started to screm as they were toring my dress apart. soon i had no dress to wer and it wuz all destroyerd/ 

i ran away to class cryeing with britbrit. but things only got worze..

ma fawn algerian teecher startedf yelling sat me beecuz i wuz not allowed to have brit bbrit with me. She grabbed brit brit awey froim me an i started crying alot 

that evil peeta mellark took britbrit and let her out de window. I screemed in rage and stumped on ma teecher. she flattened onto de floor like ma pancake breekfast. 

suddenly i herd mewing ouytside and saw britbrit pawwing at de window. i broke the window and cried and hugged an tooted om brit brit. den i wuz sent to the pricipael and they got mad at mee :(

i still go to school but i canot brig britbrit with mee anemore. i cried a lut and ran hjome but i still had a loot of homwork to do DAT I MEESED DORA

i have beeen cryeing all day and hugggeid britbrit while tooting

today wuz awful and i do not wanna go back

i h8 scchool soz very much and i do not wanna go back

i'd rather have swiper swipe me dan go back toe school

plese advise :( 

hank out and steel cryieing. steel. not fuuny. hank is funny,

burp. nose farts.

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