1. chips >.<

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hey im chips. did skittle say anything about us in the story info? eh, ill tell you about us anyway. im chips. a author. skittles is the other author . so skittles and I will be writing a book. I will write a chapter and she'll write a chapter. we will put are names at the top, so you don't get confused. I get to write first. because someone is taking to long. (cough cough, skittles, cough cough)


I run down the sidewalk dodging the people I zoom past, I don't know where I'm going, all I know is that I have to get away from that orphanage.

I finally stop when I'm in front of a library. I've never really liked books. I was not the one to sit down and read. I was always a get up and go kind of girl. I enter it anyway. the orphan guard people would never think to look for me in here.

I grab a random book from a shelf and pretend to be reading. that's when I realize a sentence of the book is not in English. what? I've never seen a language like this. suddenly I have an urge  to read it out loud. I do. smoke and wind fills the room. I drop the book in shock.

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