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It must've been at least a year after it was reported when I quit going to counseling. I was in fifth grade. Everything was going fine. He still wasn't living with us, but he would spend something like 8 hours with us on Saturdays. I remember one of those nights clearly. I was in my room and Jeremy had come to gather the dirty clothes from all of the hampers. He came in my room. I could tell he was being distant. I then said to him "I'm not the one who told mom. Beth is." He didn't say anything. I just wanted him to talk to me. Because I still didn't fully understand everything that had happened I said, "We can do it again if you want. I won't tell anyone." He walked out without saying a word. I was extremely hurt. I couldn't believe he wouldn't say anything to me.

Looking back, I am SO grateful that he didn't say anything. What would've happened if he did? What if he had actually stayed in there and and touched me and had sex with me again (I feel like rape isn't the right word considering the fact that I asked him). Things could've gotten a lot worse, but when I look back on it, I feel this strong sensation of guilt come over me. If he had gone through with it, it would now be my fault.

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