4: The Date

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You grabbed both of Loki's hands and led him to the couch, sitting down next to him. You took a deep breath, before beginning your explanation.

You tell him everything, from the day of the Alignment, when Thor saved your life from a falling car, to Steve asking you out.

Flashback (your POV)
You came out from under the car you had been hiding under, now that the huge fight seemed to be over. You had no idea what had just happened, but you knew that you were so lucky it hadn't killed you.

You were walking across the street to a place a bunch of people were gathering at, when something hit you, knocking you over and out of the street.

A car. A car landed exactly where you had been standing. And now a blonde man in armor was laying on top of you, breathing heavily.

"Are you alright?" he asked, helping you up. You nodded and tried to slow your heartbeat. The man held out his hand to you.

"I'm Thor Odinson, of Asgard."

You had no idea what the fuck this guy was talking about.

"I-I'm (y/n)."

"Wonderful to meet you, (y/n)." He bent over and kissed your hand. Another woman came running up to us.

"Oh my god, Thor, you scared the hell out of me!" she yelled, smacking his arm. He rolled his eyes.

"Darcy, if I hadn't helped her, she would have been killed." he said. She raised her eyebrows, a look of stubborn acceptance on her face. "Well... I guess that's not a bad excuse." she muttered.
End flashback

You finished talking, and Loki sat with his eyebrows slightly inclined. "So, do you hate me now?" you asked, and he snapped out of his trance.

"What? No, of course I don't hate you. Why would I?"

You shrugged, letting go of his hand, which you hadn't realized you were holding.

"I don't know. I mean, you two were against each other, and I didn't know if-"

He cut you off with a quick chuckle. "I can't place blame on you for a quarrel between my brother and I." he said, caressing my face with his hand and making me shiver. "Besides, if he hadn't saved your life, no matter how... barbarically... he did it, you wouldn't be here to provide me with food and a roof over my head, would you?"

You shrugged. "I guess you're right." you said. "I'm happy you're not gonna kill me or anything."

Loki laughed. "So, you're in a relationship with Captain Steve Rogers?" he asked. You blushed. "N-No, it's no a relationship, it's just one date." you stuttered. "That's all. For now..."

Loki chuckled again. "I can tell he's... interested in you, to say the least." he said, his tone and expression becoming difficult to read. You shrugged it off and stood up, walking to the kitchen.

"So, Loki, now that you're training to be a Midgardian, we might as well make you a fun one!" you said excitedly. "How about a Harry Potter movie marathon? We can watch 1-4 today, and I dont start work until tomorrow afternoon, so we can watch 5-8 in the morning!"

"What are you babbling about?"

You giggled, pulling a movie case from the entertainment center and putting the first movie into the DVD player.

You made popcorn, and the two of you spent the remainder of the day watching the movies.


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