Vampire Academy

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Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, Frostbite, Shadow kissed, Blood Promise, Spirit bound, Last Sacrifice) by Richelle Mead

Honestly, this story was actually the very first vampire story I’ve read. Twilight kind of fascinated me but I was not able to read it for some reason I already forgot. I started with book four entitled the ‘Blood Promise’ which I thought was the first book and proved myself wrong. Yeah, it’s a spoiler but not enough to ignore the enticing facts of the previous books. I practically begged for the money, it’s really expensive but it’s worth it. I actually jogged straight to the national bookstore after having the money. That’s how obsessed I am! But can you blame me? The book was downright addictive!

Vampires are sooo cool that I would actually call myself a vampire (I wear pale make ups and red lipstick). I just loved their awesome powers and incredible speed! I got obsessed with it since then. I even collect vampire videos, pictures, movies, books, and stuffs! This story opened up another hidden ‘something’ in me; I can’t explain it but… hmm… I don’t have enough vocabulary to express and explain the story T_T (blame that to my negligence to my English subjects… I find it really boring! -__-)

Hey people! Go on and read them all! I’ll assure you that you’ll never regret buying it. Or else, you can download it from e-book.

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