Whoa, whoa, whoa- SCHOOL??

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First of all, thanks to all you who submitted characters. They were all good, but unfortunately I could just pick one- congrats to lucybabygirl for submitting the winning one! I may try to fit in another character as a classmate or something. Again, thanks to all who submitted one!

Also, no one found the random word included in the earlier chapter, so I inserted the same word randomly into this one. Try for your very own dedication!

Chapter Three- Whoa, whoa, whoa- SCHOOL??

Sabrina, several showers later, quickly shoveled down the disguesting peanut butter sausages in hopes to actually be on time for school, for once. Unfortunately, fate had other plans. Puck, Atticus, Sven and Jonas where sitting at the table, too, and Elvis (who apparently had developed Crocodyliphobia) was covering underneath it.

Puck had clearly not taught the boys the first and TOTALLY MOST IMPORTANT rule of the house; What ever you do, no matter the circumstances, in even the most dire of situations, never EVER feed the dog sausages, or you'll regret it.

Sabrina spotted what Jonas was doing a second too late.

"EVACUATE!" She screeched, following the stampeding boys from the table. "EVACUATE! EVERYONE FOR THEMSELVES! I REPEAT! EVACUATE!!!!"

"ACCCCKKKKK!!!!!" Uncle Jake, closely followed by Mr. Canis and Red (sorry if I forgot them last chapter) rushed out of the house. "MY EYES!!!"

Next came Granny Relda, dragging Daphne out by the waist. "FRED!" The little girl screeched. "HE'S GONNA DIE BY ELVIS' TOXIC BUTT FUMES!! I MUST SAVE HIM!!!" She squiggled out from Granny's grip and ran back in, to come back out dragging the crocodile by the tail.

"Daphne!" Sabrina cried, rushing out to catch Daphne as she fainted.

Sabrina sighed. "I'll call Ali."


Ali was pretty acustomed to things like this. More often than once, the Grimms had stayed at the Genie resisdence for Everafter-type problems. Her and her father, none other than the famed Aladdin, became good family friends after a mishap the detective agency sorted out.

The Genies were pretty good natured about it, dropping the kids off at school and giving the narwhal adults a place to treat Daphne. They even called the Health Department to get information on what to do.

Unfortunately, they dropped all the kids off, not just the ones who normally went to school, so Sabrina, Ali, and Puck were forced to drag the others (which I'm now gonna start calling the terrible threesome for convience) around all day.

"Ali!" Sabrina's other best friend, Alex, cried in her completely natural British accent. Alex was acually called Alexandria, but call her that and you die. Sh'e a total tomboy, but never leaves home without her stylish fedora-styled purple hat sitting on top of her long black hair. "Where have you been!"

"What am I?" Sabrina asked, teasingly. "Chopped liver?" They laughed.

"Now the I think about it," Puck broke in.

"You do have a sort of liver-like appearance to you." Jonas finished.

Sabrina slapped him. "Its your fault for feeding the dog sausage. First rule of the Grimm household; NEVER do that again!!"

"Totally!" Atticus chimed in. "Hey, were are we, anyway?"

"School." Almost evryone said, simultainiously with the same bitter tone.

"Where?" Sven asked.

"You mean you've never heard of school?"

"Um, no."

Ali laughed and tossed her silky black hair over her shoulder. Her jade eyes shone with amusement. "Lucky! You mean you haven't suffered through the past eight years like us?"

"Um, when I was mentally your age, hardly anyone went to school!"

Sabrina's eyes widened and shook her head vigorously. "What do you mean?" Alex asked innocently.

"Oh." No one really knew what to say to her. She didn't know about everafters. "Um..."

"He's a genius!" Puck exclaimed. He's, like, older mentally. Like knowledge-ish-ness-like."



"That's it!"

"O-kay." Alex said, drawing out the word. "Wouldn't expect a friend of Puck's to be a genius, but I guess I was wrong!!"

Sabrina and Ali sighed. "Yeah, but its kinda on the down-low, so don't tell anybody." Jonas whispered.

Alex nodded. 'I wouldn't want everybody to know if I was a super-genius either, but I guess Its hard for Sven to hide."

"What?" The ten-year-old asked.

"You, know, being the youngest and all." Everyone groaned.

"Sven! Go to- whatever grade you should be in and out of the eight grade hall!" The group shoo-ed him out.

""Well," Puck began. "I don't have any warnings left, so we'd better hurry to class or stay after!" They scattered, leaving Alex behind in the hall.

"I can'tbelieve Atticus didn't reconize me!" she muttered to herself. "I mean we dated for three years back in Fearie."


"Oh! There's the bell! Don't want Hunter to beat me there again! And . . . I'm talking to myself." She ran out of the empty hallway.

So... you like? Hope so! I think its worse than the last chapter, but its not too bad.

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