Chapter @

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Blaze's POV

"Mr. Winslow, your brother and Mr. Thermoples are here. Would you like me to go ahead and send them in?" Edward, my personal secretary, spoke over the intercom. He was always good at informing me when the thorns in my side arrived. Those two only arrived together without prior notice when they felt a need to intervene in my life. It always ended up with me enduring a lecture. They better have brought caffeine and food. I was going to need it if I had to endure another episode of Nicholas & Kristogh Meddling.

I sighed, pressing down to reply. "Yeah. Send them in please, Eddie." Nick walk in, dressed to the nines in a gray suit he probably designed himself. He made most of my female staff and even a section of the male staff swoon with his almost regal aura. We were as different as night and day despite the blood we shared. He glanced at me, eyes questioning my slack posture as my boots rested on my mahogany desk. Kris waltzed in behind my brothers, his energy changing the air. He could charm the Queen of England out of the Crown Jewels if he felt like it. Part of the reason he was hired on as my personal lawyer and the head legal advisor for Winslow Inc. My eyes zeroed in on the two cups he carried and the plastic bag hanging from his right wrist that seemed to be carrying flamingo pink boxes. "That better be coffee and fuel for me, Kris."

"How perceptive," Kristogh smirked. "I brought these while passing through Briar Glen from some bakery there near the town square... Black Daffodil or something." He glanced at the bag. "Rose. Black Rose. That's the name. Found some muffins and grabbed coffee for you, just the way you like it. You're lucky that a lunatic didn't destroy my gesture of friendship," he stated with a hard chuckle as he placed a cup of coffee in front of me with a box of these mysterious muffins before taking a swig of his black coffee. I lifted the lid, curious. Chocolate. I could live with that.

"Let me guess, this is another attempt at an intervention. I could really care less," I sighed, annoyed and tired. "I'm not doing anything incredibly dangerous. And while I acknowledge my behavior is definitely not CEO material, this is my company that I built from the ground up. My genius is what's filling the pockets of my employees. So what if I go to biker bars and ride with a biker gang. Why should I stop being me?"

Kris ran a hand through his blonde hair, a tick he had whenever he was about to lay down some of his infamous advice. "Blaze, you need to cut this out. Motorcycles aren't the problem. It's the reckless behavior. Your 'I could care less' mentality when it comes to your safety. I get it. You are a genius and girls fall over each other to get a piece of big, bad CEO Blaze Winslow, but riding around with a gang is definitely pushing your luck."

I glared at them, Nicholas who was perfectly happy to let Kristogh tear into me in his rather gentle way and Kris who was thought he was on a roll with his speech. So it was my biker friends they were worried about. It was the fact I couldn't act like Tony Stark, who I might add is a fictional playboy, and be a normal billionaire who happily threw around his wealth and success while only socializing with bigwigs. They'll just have to deal with the fact that I don't change for anyone or anything. Nick and Kris won't break me and I definitely won't stop being me. Screw those CEOs who felt the need for bodyguards and expensive partners on their arms. They can all go play backstabbing tea party without me.

"Nick and I just want you to be safe and smart, Blaze," Kris continued, ignoring my glare. "This image you've created has business partners wondering if you are actually doing your job while you take off in the middle of a work day on a whim. And the fact you dress like you belong to the cast of Grease or Wild Hogs doesn't help. Try wearing a suit once in a while. Start limiting your rides to the weekends. Just start playing the professional and showing up to a meeting like you are supposed to."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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