Dark Meat-Continuation [Walking Dead]

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-- Yo yo yo! Update! Huzzah! Anyway, regarding the end of season 3, apparently lot's of people didn't like it that much :( however, if you've read the comics it's actually a REALLY good ending :D Tell me what you think! I'd love to hear other peoples' theories on what's going to happen next! --


Charlie: Hai :3  

Tess: Da fuck are you? 

Charlie: Yo! I'm Charlie... Your creator... Stalker... Anyway, good job surviving the zombie apocalypse thus far! 

Tess: Yeh go' a real reason f'r bein' 'ere, or yeh jus' wastin' my time? 

Charlie: asdfghjkl... Um, right, yeah. Well everyone loves you and thinks your cute and stuff. Plus they love your adorable brother/sister relationship with Daryl... Even if it's supposed to be father/daughter... 

Tess: Wha' the fuck are yeh talkin' 'bout!? Mah broth'r is a crazy bastard 'n' Daryl's a douche. 

Charlie: How can you say that? He's just looking out for you! Can't you tell he's trying to protect you? 

Tess: ... Shut up! I only go' mah real family, bu' they're gone now. Don' try t'replace 'em. 

Charlie: So? Daryl cares about you a lot, you know. Maybe you could be a nic- 

Tess: Whatever! Just get on with the story!!


All he does is stare. The blood hangs languidly to the metal handcuffs while the severed hands lies abandoned and paling beside it. A wolf caught in a trap will chew off it's own leg to survive. Merle cut his own hand off to survive. I grimace at the sight, tears burning in my eyes.

It's not just about Merle anymore. This is useless. I wanted to be brave, courageous and strong. Maybe make up for some of the things I did in the early days of the breakout. I can smell the corpses in the street below us, but now it doesn't seem to bother me. That's a worry.

Suddenly, Daryl's face twists into an ugly snarl and he whirls around, crossbow raised to T-dog's face. Rick brings up his revolver as I press the point of my knife to his side. The barrel of Rick's shiny weapon stares at Daryl's temple. I put a small amount of pressure on his side, while my hands unconsciously grip the knife hilt a little tighter. The electrical tape wrappings squeak slightly.

His pale eyes glance at the knife point momentarily before returning to Daryl. "I won't hesitate." Ricks says clearly. "I don't care if every Walker in the city hears it." That bastard.

How could Daryl put us in this position? My mouth starts to run dry. Rick seems genuine about his intent to shoot Daryl if he doesn't calm down, although that genuine attitude won't guarantee that I won't stop him. Could I? He doesn't seem like a bad guy, plus he has a family.

Daryl appears conflicted, having realised that Rick is serious and that there's no way he can win. Lowering his crossbow, Daryl turns away."Yeh go' a do-rag 'r somethin'?" Avoiding eye contact for the most part, he keeps he voice low and level. I have already withdrawn my knife.

The officer slips his revolver back into its nice leather holster and T-dog reaches into his pocket to pull out a dull looking handkerchief. Daryl all but snatches it from his hand then crouches beside the pipe with the bloodied handcuff. He gingerly lifts the severed hand by the little finger and places it on the flattened rag. Next the corners of the rag are folded over the palm and tucked in.

I wrinkle my nose at him. "I guess tha' sawblade w's too dull f'r the handcuffs." Daryl mumbles while doing so. "Ain' 'at a bitch." Stuffing the mutilated hand into Glenn's pack, one man who seemed more than a little disgusted at the idea of it being there, Daryl looked back over the lone handcuffs. Blood still dripped off the end occasionally. "'E must've us'd a tournique', maybe 'is belt. Be much m're blood 'f he di'n't."

Dark Meat-Continuation [Walking Dead]Where stories live. Discover now