Ahem... Come again?

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"Ok so your telling me that we just go flushed down a freaking TOILET! And now are currently in a place called Queens Place? I asked skeptically. "You've got to be kidding. Are you on drugs? Am I on drugs? Maybe the creepy guy at McDonalds drugged my sweet tea." (Gasp!) " I know whenever I was in the bathroom, playing with the foam soap, I slipped and knocked myself out. And your just some cute boy of my imagination." I babbled on. I looked back to the guy and he looked pretty pissed off.

"GREAT! Just great! I had to suck some ADHD girl into the vortex with me! Wait....... you think I'm cute? Ugh that's not the point! The point is we need to get to the right dimension before the Queen figures out I'm here." he said in a rush.

How am I ADHD? Huh, well if I'm ADHD he must be ADD because he can't seem to focus on one topic, that hypocrite!

"Whatever you say, hypocrite!" I said and began walking in a random direction. He quickly came up behind me.

"What did you call me? And do you even know where your going?" he asked. See what I mean?

"No, I have absolutely no idea where I'm going! And I called you a hypocrite." I said bored already.

"Care to explain how exactly I'm hypocrite?" he asked sounding annoyed.

"No, not really." I said while jumping over a log.

"You know we actually need to be heading in the other direction, we're heading straight for the Queens Palace." he stated sounding nervous.

"I don't know, she sound pretty cool if she can make you nervous." I said smiling at the fact that he was practically shaking in his black leather boots he was wearing.

"Oh! God no! Shes' had a terrible obsession over me for decades and every time I accidentally flush myself here she keeps me here for years, until I finally find a way to escape!" he said while looking to be having flash backs.

All the sudden it dawned on me that obviously this guy was far from human and that I didn't even know his name.

"What's your name?" I questioned him.

"Well, where I come from they call me the Weather Man, but you, you can call me Jeremiah Oh Oh Oh Barnable. The High Wizard and Weather Man of Jenatoba " he said with a wink.

"Ok Jeremiah Oh Oh Oh Barnable" I said with a snicker." How old are you exactly?"

"Next month will be my three hundred and second birthday" he stated with pride.

Wow a world with Wizards, obsessive Queens, and God knows what else. Jeesh, what have I gotten myself into.

"Well since your going to be helping me get back home, my name is Ava Pettigrew. President of the Science club and Captain of the Gymnastics team of Mortunnel High. I would say nice to meet you, but so far this hasn't been a very pleasurable experience. AND just for the record I do NOT have ADHD!" I said while putting out my hand to shake. 

He took it in a firm grip and shook it.

"Well Ava Pettigrew, I do find it a pleasure to have met you, seeing how we will being having quite the adventure trying to get back to my dimension. But it is my dismay to tell you that you will not be able to return back to your dimension until the next Crown Moon" he said waiting for my reaction.

"Oh. Ok. Well whens the next Crown Moon?" I asked. I mean it couldn't be that long. Could it.

"Uhm............... in exactly five hundred years" he said with a worried expression.

I stood there in disbelief. " Ahem... Come again?"

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