What are you doing? Que estas haciendo?

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What are you doing?/ Que estas haciendo?

I'm cooking the dinner / Estoy cocinando la cena

What is she doing? / Que esta haciendo ella?

She's reading the newspaper / Ella esta leyendo el periodico

What is he doing? / Que esta haciendo él?

He's jogging / El esta trotando

What's your mother doing? /Que esta haciendo tu madre?

She's washing the clothes / Ella esta lavando la ropa

What are they doing? / Que estan haciendo ellos?

They're listening to music / Ellos estan escuchando musica

What is it doing? Que esta eso haciendo?

It's moving / Esta moviendose

What am i doing? Que estoy haciendo?

You're dancing / estas bailando

Now you.. What are you doing right now? Responde en los comentarios..Come on :) bye guys..

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