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It was as the dusk of the day. Footsteps can be heard walking towards the lone tombstone laying at the top a hill inside Vongola's property. The mysterious figure turned out to be Sawada Tsunayoshi, wearing a striped-navy blue tuxedo, holding a bouquet of white lilies in his left arm to his chest. He also carries with him a plastic bag of groceries. He looked down on the erected monument, and smiled kindly.

I was finally out from all of my day's work. It was really hectic, you know. Problems just keep on appearing... but at least they were not as grave as that time we had fought Byakuran before. How are you today? I hope you won't find my little sudden visit rudely. We're still the same though: Reborn still shows up suddenly and do weird things that might get us in trouble; Yamamoto is still as "annoying" as you would say it; Lambo, I-pin and Futa are still kids-at-heart even though they had grown up; Dino-san comes from time to time even though he won't truly admit he only came for Mama's cooking; HIbari-san is still scary and unsociable; Mukuro and Chrome-chan and the others are getting along well; Xanxus the and rest of the Variaare well, still Varia.

He let out a gentle snicker. He leaned slightly towards and gently touched the top edge of the small tombstone, while clenching the bouquet.

Gokudera-kun, do you remember...?

When we first met in the middle school, I thought of you as a scary person. It made me uneasy of having to hear being the 10th boss of Vongola this, 10th boss of Vongola that. Haha, Reborn even managed to pull out some crazy "trials" to see if I was fit to be the Vongola boss. Later on though, I became happy as I was, as I had gained one of my best friends that I ever had. I was actually happy to hear encouraging words from you, every time.

He sat down beside it as he lay down the bouquet on his lap. He started to open up the plastic bag he had with him. Fizzing sounds came shortly as two cans of beer were opened; one was laid down on the foothold of the tombstone while the other was held in his right hand. He took on a small sip of the canned beer and began to lose in thoughts.

Gokudera-kun, do you remember...?

Back in middle school during our lunch break, I was surprised you wanted to talk to me in private. It was... shocking to me that you confessed.

I... I was not worthy of your feelings, as back then I know you know I'm always "no good" when doing things seriously.

I was... confused and it was the first time I had felt it.

I unconsciously blurted out by asking you, 'why me? Why of all of people, it was me?'

I expected you will mock me, instead you held my hand gently and kissed it and replied:

'Because I swore to protect you, Judaime'

My heart raced loudly for the first time , you know? Ever since then, I grew more and more conscious of your presence. I started to take notice of the small things about you. I was too scared for the feelings you have for me. I thought you only confessed because of you are only admiring me as the "Tenth".

He reached unto the last drop of beer and packed it inside the plastic bag. He crouched in front of the tombstone and lay down the bouquet of lilies he had with him. He placed his right hand on the top edge of the tombstone and rests his forehead as he feels the cold, rough course of the stone to his skin.

Gokudera-kun, do you remember...?

There was this time we went to Italy, just the two of us. But that one time also I could never forget, you proved you were serious about it. You surprised me when you brought me to a cemetery and showed me your mother's grave. It was your mother's death anniversary as I can remember. You made a vow in front of her.

You clearly said it as clear as day, 'Juudaime, I swear to be by your side, for eternity as both your right-hand man and your lover.'

A tear suddenly rolled on his cheek, then cried as silently as he could whispered to it.

...Then why have you gone before me?

Why have you left me alone...?

You said you will always be my right-hand man...

You swore you will be always by my side for eternity...

I know you sacrificed yourself to alter my wheel of fate...

He clenched his fists as he stood up in dire agony and frustration. His vision became more and more blurry as tears overflowed from his eyes.

...But why was your life the equivalent exchange of it?

Tell me, Gokudera-kun... WHY?

He wiped his overflowing tears with his sleeves and etched a flushed, sullen look on his face.

I love you, Gokudera-kun...

I really, really love you...

You... always gave me strength yet never were I was able to repay my debt to you...

You always protected me from our enemies...

You were the only one who recognized both my strengths and weaknesses....

You were the only one whom I had felt like this...

You were the only one...

Unknowingly, a presence emerged behind Tsunayoshi. As he acted on his instincts, he merely landed a blow on Yamamoto.

"Whoa, Tsuna! Careful, on what you're doing." Yamamoto exclaimed as he skipped back a few steps from Tsunayoshi.

"Y-Yamamoto, what are you doing here?" He replied as he hurriedly wiped his remaining tears off of his eyes.

Yamamoto approached the memorial and poured down sake onto it. Touched by what he did, Tsunayoshi thanked him for the gesture.

"It's alright, Tsuna", he said as he rustled Tsuna's hair gently. "You're not the only one who's sad when he's not around anymore."

Tsuna nodded as he painted a sullen look on his face. "Really... Thank you, Yamamoto..."

Yamamoto sighed depressingly as he tried to smile. "Let's go now, Tsuna. Everyone's waiting for us"

Tsuna glanced at the sky and followed Yamamoto. Upon leaving the gravestone he heard a tiny voice "Thank you, Judaime"

"Huh? Did you say something, Yamamoto?"

"Hmm...? What is it, Tsuna?" Yamamoto replied as he looked back confusingly, who were a few steps up front.

A short pause was etched yet he knew whom he had heard, "Um... No, never mind..." 

A quick sunset breeze slightly flushed towards them, having Tsuna to realize who it really was. So one last time, he peeked behind, locking his eyes unto the tombstone and whispered,

Thank you, Hayato...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2015 ⏰

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