A Race for Little Sakura?

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After the girls tried to calm Sakura down and gave up, Sasuke grew annoyed and suddenly picked up the pink hair girl who suddenly stopped crying and fell asleep when Sasuke started to cradle her. Which really surprised the others. 

"Wow teme, I didn't know you had a good handle with little kids." Naruto grinned slyly, an irk appearing Sasuke's head as he glared at the blond. 

"I don't. I noticed she was tired, so I just did what I needed to do to calm her down." Sasuke uttered before passing little Sakura to Kakashi who awkwardly held her. Tenten sighed, noticing the Kakashi's awkward hold on little Sakura was going to wake her up and took her from Kakashi's hold before the masked man could wake Sakura up. 

Kakashi sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "How long do we have to take care of her?"

"Lady Tsunade said we had to take care of Sakura till they find the cure. Who knows how long that's going to be..." Shikmaru grumbled, looking at the little pink hair girl. "So who's going to take care of her first?"

Everyone was silent until Kakashi sighed. "Sorry guys, but I can't take care of her for a while. Lady Tsunade said something about a new mission... So.. Bye!"

"You liar!" The teens yelled, but Kakashi was long gone already causing them all to sigh. 

Everything was silence including the birds and people as they looked at the pink bundle in Tenten's arm. Kiba then had a plan. 

"How bout we have a race?" Kiba smirked. "Last person to cross has to take care of Sakura for today. The second to the last will have to take care of Sakura and so on. Agreed?" Everyone looked at each other and nodded in agreement. 

By the time they all made it to the park where they we're going to have a race, little Sakura had woken up and was confused by the ninjas who surrounded her, scaring her slightly. Tenten noticed and cooed her before placing her besides Akamaru, who nudged her hand to pet him which little Sakura happily did. 

Sakura and Akamaru watched as all 11 ninjas lined up as Lee announced the rules. 

"We must run around the village three times, through the markets, and back to Sakura-Chan! First one here will be the last one to take care of Sakura-Chan! You can use any jutsu to enhance your speed or to stop someone else momentarily! And whoever cheats must take care of Sakura for a whole week! Ready! Set! Go!"

By that, the 11 Konoha ninja sped off with blind speed making Sakura blink before she heard bells chiming in the air. Curiously, she stood up and started to walk towards the bell chime with Akamaru walking behind her, looking around cautiously for any attackers. 

"You're not going to win teme!" Naruto yelled at Sasuke who was far. Sasuke glanced back with an irk before sighing, pumping more chakra into his legs as he started to get farther where Naruto's yelling didn't make anymore sense. 

"Baka..." He grumbled before taking his final lap around Konoha and into the park where Sakura and Akamaru should be waiting at. 

"Losers." Neji smirked, looking atthe others who all had irk on their heads while glaring at Naruto who sweatdropped. 

What happened was when everyone was in their last lap, Naruto had planned to make Sasuke stop but backfired causing everybody to stop.

Neji had somehow escaped and entered the park first. 

Sasuke came second. 

Lee came third. 









Then Shikamaru who came last. (Surprise Surprise -.-')

"Haha Shikamaru! You have to take care of Sakura first!" Naruto taunted, smirking while Shikamaru sighed, scratching the back of hsi head and opening one of his eyes. 

"Alright, alright, where's Sakura?"

Suddenly there was silence. 


 "Oh man Oh man!" Naruto started to panick. "Baa-Chan is goign to kill us! Literally!"

"Where could she have gone?!" Ino gasped, looking everywhere at the park with a few others a few were panicking. 

"I don't sense her chakra anywhere!" 

"Oh! This is bad! Very bad! Sakura! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

-Somewhere else-

Sakura hugged Akamaru's neck while Akamaru growled at a few people who were looking at the little pink hair girl with evil glints in their shadowed eyes. 

"Akamawu... Where are we?" She asked quietly to him, but Akamaru just answerd her back with a whimper. "You don't know too huh? Oh well..." suddenly Akamaru and Sakura heard the soft bells again.

"Akamawu! We have to follow that bell!" Sakura exclaimed, letting go of Akamaru before chasing down the bell sound, akamaru following right behind her until he crashed into some invisible force. 

"Ruff!" Akamaru barked, trying to get through the invisible barrier before knocked back by an incredible force again. Shakily getting up, akamaru knew it was futile to get through the barrier as he turned around and started to search for Naruto and the others. 

With Sakura-

"Hello?" She asked meekly, going throught the empty street while she shakily walked through the abandon street. "Is anyone here? Hello?"

"Hello." Sakura gasped in surprised and looked up to see a masked figure looking down at her. "...So you heard the bells huh? And you could get through the barrier. Then there's no doubt... You're her." The masked man brought his hands up while Sakura slowly inched back, her eyes widened in fear before she let out a scream. 


Little Sakura and Konoha 12Where stories live. Discover now