Chapter Two

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After your successful 'visit' to Vanessa and friends you felt good like killing made all your worries in the world go away.

(Your pov)

  I just came out of my latest victims house I may have..kinda..stolen their iPod. I plugged in some headphones and dusted my hands off, before turning and walking off.

   I felt somebody watching me but I shrugged it off and went to visit my family. I arrived to see my mother and father dead and a strange man walking up to my little brother. I took out my electric dagger and knocked the black haired man over the head successfully rendering him unconscious.

   I stepped closer to your brother but he wasn't afraid he recognized your (e/c) eyes anywhere and hugged you.

"(Y/n) your back! Mommy and daddy were sad that you were gone, but I knew you were not gone I-I just knew it!" He exclaimed hugging your waist tightly. "Yeah, you thought that I'd be gone that easy? Let's go we're gonna have to leave now."

Then you noticed he was in his PJs. "Come on let's go change." I changed him into his favorite pikachu hoodie as that was his favorite character. You carried him on your hip because for a 4 year old he was light. "Hey sissy! When you were gone, I drew.."

You drowned out the child for now. He'd have to know soon. He'd have to become a killer as well. With your decision made, you sighed and took him to his first victim. He managed to kill them, which surprised you greatly. "Did I do good sissy?! I really tried!" He squealed, running up to you. You felt something squishy and looked down to his bloody hands.

   You were confused as he began to change his eyes fell out and his brown hair changed to dirty blonde hair and some freckles cane upon the bridge of his nose. He had blood running from his eyes. His clothes stayed and you thought he would need a new name. "Daniel how'd you like a super cool name?" His face lit up. "Yes! Please? Can I really?!" You smiled and pat his head. "Okay how does Crying Pikachu sound?" You said with jazz hands smiling. "It's so cool! Thanks Sissy!" You chuckled and walked out him on balanced on your hip.

You walked out and kept going on your previous killing spree. He took each victims eyes, for what purpose you didn't know. "Where does he even keep those?" You thought. You kept walking as you felt somebody watching you, analyzing your every movement. You ran into the woods holding pika close, hoping to throw whatever it was off.

You were terrified. And you really hated feeling helpless due to your past death. You climbed up a tree and sat there waiting as you and pika held your daggers close to you scanning your surroundings. You heard a twig snap thanks to your good hearing and ran hopping from tree to tree. You didn't stop until the branch you were hopping from got chopped off with a hatchet and fell, hitting your head on the way down, holding your brother close.


You woke up in a room unfamiliar to you. Instinctively, you looked around frantically for your brother and ran out the room dagger at the ready. You ran downstairs and saw the ravenette kid with the white hoodie. You lunged at him pressing your other dagger to his throat. You lunged at him tackling him to the floor.

"LEAVE HIM BE!" you were pulled off him by a long, black tendril. "Calm down child." You huffed. "Where is he?"
"In the kitchen, but child-" "Thanks!" You ran out and to the kitchen to see your brother eating cheesecake with odd-looking people. He looked intimidated and you picked him up and you were gonna walk out but, the faceless man stopped you once again. He gestured to a chair and you took a seat with pika in your lap protectively.


  You smiled apologetically at Jeff. "Sorry I tried to attack you, but he means a lot to me." Jeff looked away annoyed and nodded receiving death glares from the other boys. You didn't know why but abandoned the thought.

  "So do we have to stay here, or can we leave?" "You must stay, you and your sibling may have separate if you'd like, child. " Can somebody show us where?" "Of course child, Ben show her and the smaller child where to go." "Sure slendy, let's go sweet cheeks." You growled, but complied with the short green boy, and followed walking in front of Ben.

  Upon reaching your room, you felt a sharp tap on your butt. You gasped and roundhouse kicked him into a wall and walked into your room angrily. You sat on the bed and set Pika down as he ran around the room excitedly. You saw he became tired you were as well as he layed down with you and cuddled into you. You hugged him and fell asleep without much issues. He couldn't sleep so you woke up to his movement and began to sing him a lullaby. "Flower gleam and glow..let your powers shine..make the clock reverse..bring back what once was mine...heal what has been hurt.....change the fates what has been lost...bring back what once was mine what once was mine....."
Pika fell asleep and you fell asleep soon after.

Love you guys! I kinda need suggestions and if you want your OCS in the story put:
Relation to ___:
Looks like:
Method of killing:
Small background:

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