Chapter One

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You were being chased..again by your bullies. You unfortunately tripped and you got up and tried to run only to be pulled back by your hair by the lead bully Vanessa.

"Where do you think your going dweeb?!" Yelled Vanessa. Her two goons Emma and Kaila held you down.

"Please! Someone help me! Please help anybody!" You screamed and screamed but nobody dared to help for their fear of Vanessa. You screamed and cried in agony as Emma and Kaila punched you and kicked your gut as they stepped back as your (e/c) eyes widened. Vanessa had pulled out a knife. (E/c) eyes widened in fear. A cold sweat ran throughout your body.

She chuckled evilly as she cut along your arms, finishing you off by stabbing you in your gut. Laughing like the evil bitch she was, she slit your throat having enough of your noise. The three stepped back and watched your slow painful death unfold and you gurgled and choked on your own crimson fluid as your body went limp. They dragged and dumped your body in the dumpster behind the school along with the knife. Smirking to themselves they laughed. (Y/n) (L/n) was no more. Or so they thought.

-Two weeks later-

  You cried as you remember your death and mourned over yourself in pity and anger. You were confused because you felt different, and had no idea why you were still here. You walked around the alley hey dumped you in. Spotting a piece of broken glass, you approached it warily. Looking into it, you gasped.

  "What happened to me?!" Your 16 year old body was completely changed. You now wore a gray body suit and thigh boots. Noticing your physical changes, you had long purple hair curled into ringlets. It was shared with bright yellow circles placed in some places on your gray skin. Examining further, you discovered two long ears and a tail that matched your new skin tone were there as well.

  The only thing that was normal was your (e/c) eyes except they had a red kinda tint to them. Sadly, you smiled a bit. Such a shame you had to die to see you inner beauty. Humans really are the spawns of destruction. Remembering the previous events, your temper rose, along with some objects around you.

  You stormed away furious. Remembering their laughter, you screamed as you did the street light burst, leaving shattered glass on the pavement. You looked at your hands and focused on the lights and they blinked back on. You smiled as you had a plan to get rid of sweet little Vanessa.

  You walked up to Vanessa's house. "Oh, a sleep over. How come I wasn't invited?" You smirked. "This should be very fun!" You jumped up to her window. You were somewhat used to your new and improved body now.

  You opened her window as they were downstairs you started to write a note using electricity to burn it into the wallpaper. 'Run.' You smashed a vase onto the floor and hid in her closet. The party is just getng started.

   Emma and Vanessa went upstairs to investigate while Kaila stayed behind to be lazy. You snuck downstairs and whispered in her ear "Scream for me.." and slit her throat with a dagger made of electricity. And carved a lightning bolt shape into her forehead. You giggled quietly and disappeared into the shadows after blowing out the lights. Vanessa and Emma ran downstairs with a flashlight to see Kaila choking on her own crimson fluid. The same way you were. A new message was on the downstairs wall. Does this ring a bell?

They cried and soon Vanessa realized she was the only one crying. She turned to see Emma gurgling blood with the same mark tears streaming down her blood stained face. The lights turned on and before her She cried as you spoke. "Oh dear Vanessa don't cry.." you caressed her cheek as she flinched. "Y-you killed them! You monster!" she choked out. "Oh..feeling brave are we? Tell me,does (Y/n), ring a bell? ..At all?" Her eyes widened in absolute horror.

  "Yes, it's me and now I have a few words for you." You hugged her and whispered in her ear. "Scream for me.."

Vanessa screamed bloody murder and you plunged your dagger into her stomach and carved your symbol. You watched as she fell to her knees gurgling blood. "Oh and don't worry Vanessa I'll see you in hell. If Satan can even catch me." You spoke, your words dripping venom before bursting out the lights. You felt no regret at all as you heard sirens. You walked out off the house wiping your feet on the welcome mat and and casually walking down the street light bulbs bursting as you walked.

Creepypasta x Killer!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now