The Momentary Movement

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A silence seemed to swallow me whole.

Patting my hand against the bed where another human should have been, the cold bed sheets took me by surprise. Cracking my eyes open slightly, I realized, no one was there.


Usually one of the boys stayed in bed with me.

Finally sighing and stretching, I let my feet glide onto the frozen ground. The sun was peaking through the windows, lighting my path.

"Nathan? Luke? Gabriel? Are you guys still here?"

Silence answered my call.

A yawn pulled from my lips. As I slid into the living room. I knew immediately that something was off.

Everything seemed right.

No one was any where.

My gaze fell to the empty pool sparkling outside.

Then, as if a bucket of ice pelted me, I realized that it was too empty.

Grabbing my phone off of the kitchen counter, I checked for any message.


A nervous shake wracked my spine.

They would have left me something... right?

Yes. They would. Stop second guessing yourself, Sang.

You survived a year of Ashley Waters and it's the first week of Summer Break. They're probably training, or something.

Chewing on my lip, my fingers typed in Nathan's number.

Ring... Ring... Ring...

He didn't answer.

Maybe one of the others?

After going through all of the boys with absolutely no answer, panic was full force.

Deep breath, Sang.

There must be a reason. Be logical.

They wouldn't just leave me in Nathan's house, right?

Baffled by the absence, I looked towards Kota's home. His truck was there, along with Erica's. 

Perhaps she'd have the knowledge as to where they were. 

After changing, snagging my set of keys, and grabbing my phone, I darted outside. My shoes clacked against the sidewalk as I made my way to the front door. Standing by as the doorbell rang, a nervous flutter ran through my throat.

What if she didn't know where they were?

Erica opened the door, her eyes lighting up as she noticed me standing there. "Sang! Darling, come here." 

She grinned, and I willingly wrapped my arms around her. A genuine smile fell upon my face.

Pulling away, her fingers lightly held my arms. "So, what brings you here?"

"I was wondering if you could possibly tell me where Kota is? i haven't heard from him all morning." And I'm getting worried, I wanted to add.

Her face dropped into confusion. "Didn't he tell you? Kota was accepted into a summer program in Arizona. They flew him out and everything. In fact, I believe that Victor and Nathan are part of the same program as well."

"Oh." I forced my face not to fall. My heart strings were pulled as the meaning of her words hit me like a brick wall.

He wouldn't lie about his whereabouts to his mom. Kota wouldn't do that. 

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