Do you love me now?! [Alex Gaskarth] Chapter 1 - 20

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[A/N - Okay this is the fanfic.. I don't know if anyone that read's my stories like's fanfic's but it's worth a go to put on here.. Once again I will put up all the chapter's I have done so far on here and upload the new one's seperately.. babisaza25..x]



What happens when your summer romance turns out to be famous?

It all started when I my parents decided to leave me with my Aunt Mary for the summer holidays. Every once in a while we would visit... but this takes the biscuit! A WHOLE summer?! I had plans this summer... My friends and myself were planning a road trip.

"Okay... so let me get this straight... you're shipping me off to Aunt Mary because you both want the WHOLE summer together?!"

"Yes that's right sweetie, don't worry you're going to love it there. Aunt Mary tells me there's a very nice young boy around your age that lives next door."

"Mum didn't we have this conversation before... setting me up is NOT the way to make me like someone!"

"I know sweetie but you wait he sounds like a charmer."

"Charmer! God help me! Right, seeing as you both seem to want me gone I will start packing."

I began to walk out of the room and stomped up the stairs. How could they do this?! They know I had plans!

After packing a suitcase for the whole summer I made my way downstairs.

"When am I leaving?" I asked solemnly.

"About an hour, how about I make you some pancakes for breakfast?"

"Chocolate chip?"

Mum nodded and made her way into the kitchen while my dad was reading the newspaper.


"Hmm..." not once did he look up from the paper.

"Where is Aunt Mary's again?"

"She lives in America now Emily don't forget, so you should have a nice time."

"Wait what?!"

Dad finally looked up from his paper seeing my stricken face he stood up and walked over to the sofa I was sitting on. Wrapping an arm around my shoulders, he kissed my temple and squeezed me.

"You will be alright sweetie, what's the worst that can happen? I mean you wanted to look at university's over there didn't you?"

"Yeah I guess, I just didn't think that's all. It wasa shock I forgot she moved again."

You see my Aunt Mary was one for moving these past few years she just moved back from Austraila, settling in in London for a year at least then she started talking about moving to America. As soon as she spoke to us about it she had already been looking at places. She only moved in March.

I was brought out of my memories by the smell of freshly made chocolate chip pancakes. I followed the smell into the kitchen and sat myself down ready to eat.

As soon as I was finished we made our way to the car, my dad following behind with my suitcase. Then we were off making our way to the airport.



They are seriously the worst dammed place to be, not to mention the most boring.

Whoever made the rules that you have to be at the airport so many hours before you flight should be made to hang around these places.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2009 ⏰

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Do you love me now?! [Alex Gaskarth] Chapter 1 - 20Where stories live. Discover now